[Skipped]Gloomy/Qathasda /DT
Gloomy_Sunday — Today at 10:12
Hi, am I able to get set up for a subrace? I have a short write up for the character
I will be playing Qathasda as a vain bully who believes his dragon heritage makes him superior to others. A former helmite mercenary, he has joined the Greywatch and turned to service of the Waiting Terror. As such, he feels that it is fear that keeps criminals in line, rather than duty. He is sworn to protect the city of Arabel, an oath he made out of a sense that such pledges make him superior to the run of the mill adventurers, and elevate him above even the rulers of the city.
Puffy — Today at 10:18
We have a lot of subraces atm, so I would recommend going human personally
We're likely to become stricter about the subrace set up as well
But, if you still want it, I can post it up and see if its approved.
But I think he would do better as a human
Considering himself superior cause he is human, rather than a freak
Gloomy_Sunday — Today at 10:23
ill just go with human then -
I dont think "we have a lot of subraces" is a reason to tell him no
but if he's okay with human then.. fine
but let's not stifle creativity.We'll always going to have a high percentage of subraces due to having a low population.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on