Lavishfeast / Kagawa / Werewolf
1). Race/Class/Alignment/Level/Name of Character
Human / Druid / NE / Unmade / Kagawa2). What specific perk(s) (subrace, faction, etc)
Werewolf Subrace3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue
Born under a cloud as “Kagawa the Lame”, the natural born Lycanthrope was born to a Malarite pack malformed. In birth his umbilical cord pinned his wrist to his neck – and so was born hoarse and limp. Deemed weak he was left to die, surviving only by the grace of Gods or chance.Rejecting the Malarite creed of the strong survive – Kagawa instead adopted a trickster mistress; Talona – in whose withering he found comfort.
With a soft spot for the feeble Kagawa comes close to Arabel through the vast Hullack, to the peripheries of civilisation where disease is rampant. Disease - the great equaliser, it can stricken even the strongest Alpha.
Kagawa will be a misshapen Witchdoctor on the edges of Arabel promoting the faith of Talona and a vendetta against strength. A bullseye on the back of prominence, a conniving chancer.
Essentially the character is one I hope to use to familiarise myself with Arabel again, re-learn my way around, its designed to be something of a loner that can get by on the edge of plots and activity, has a degree of survivability, dipping in where I can, with scope to ramp up if permissible, which suits my availability.
Sure, if it's a druid they probably won't team up with the current baddies.
If they did the scales would be tipping too far in one direction.
I agree with Voss. He will need to actively oppose the necromancer stuff/PCs.
Talk to them about that.
I voted yes though. Lavish is fun.
It would be best he opposes the rot crowd, however, he will have to- they animate the dead, no matter how much of a talonan they are, they are still a druid, and undeath must be destroyed, and their creators punished/removed.
This is a yes then aint it.
Chatted with the player- they get that joining that group wouldn't make sense anyway (even with the religious connection) because of necromancy and druidic stuff not mixing.
I think it'll be pretty interesting to have a talonan that doesn't fit with this group, potential religious in fighting.
Anyway. Any last objections or is this good?
Approved, has he been set?
I tried to poke him. No idea where he is.
Probably waiting for Caek to get his app through, they tend to play around the same time so.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on