Strange Undead
- Encountered a small group of beetle infested undead in the lands around the old Watchtower in Eveningstar with Rynn. About six or so, harder than normal undead to put down but nothing especially noteworthy.
Perhaps this person is operating along the western trails into the mountains? It seems a recurring generalized pattern.
- The Commander and I, came across a undead dwarf in the Hillmarch Mine, which snuck away without attempting a fight
- Upon following the undead dwarf, we came across two more bug infested zombies
- No blood nor note was found in the cavern after slaying the undead
- We arranged a divine rite in an attempt to locate the source of the undead
- First there was darkness, absolute and complete. A sense of something else near
- Then there was a portal, sucking me in against my will into a bottomless pit of darkness
- I felt a ragged breath, something within the shadows. Fear clawing at me
- Pressing on, I felt as if I was in an endless black corridor, the throat-less beast's ragged breath drawing nearer
- Finally, I sensed sand, burning and crushing sand, very very black sand. The beast had found me
- When attempt to see it, I felt it pass me by with an inch, then suddenly my mind returned to my body in the Hillmarch cavern
- The Commander aided me in recovering from the ordeal, then we retreated from the mines
First Hand Reference: Ottilie, the Commander
Yesterday I produced a sending, saying we saved Elaine, Selifrey, and Kirin from the Maggots, and spoke of looking for Dario the Wererats parents who died during the purge of Arabel. I was attempting to provoke Dario the Wererat into giving up his position. What I received was a particularly disturbing sending.
He said "You think you've saved them all?"
Believe Dario is infecting people with these maggots for a purpose. Larva, as any schoolboy knows, grow up.
Perhaps this Talonite plague is birthing undead after a period of time?
We need an expert on this. I request permission to sharing sensitive information regarding the Council of Twelve with Elaine, of Ilmater. She's likely the foremost expert in Arabel on sickness.
-Dawnknight Nicholas Alwin Appleberry.
- Together with Jericho Wells, he and I travelled to Deadwell to map it out for the Dawnknight
- We came across an orc's corpse, with thousands of cuts all over, like thousands of little claw marks
- Deeper into the area, we came across dozens of.. moving hands which clawed at us
- Deeper still, more hands were uncovered, leaving an unsettling feeling
- We decided to wrap up for the day, finding no more clawing hands in the area
First Hand Reference: Ottilie, Jericho Wells
With recent activity in Deadwell, I have started to dedicate my spare time to boosting Bospir's defenses. A letter has been sent to the Mayor of Bospir, along with a delivery of resources with the aid of Retainer Rismente and mercenary Therene. I encourage anyone with the spare time, to aid me with completing the village walls.
Luckbringer Ottilie
Whilst investigating the Watchtower in South Horn, powerful undead appeared. I attempted the divine ritual again, sensing once again a place of torpid desert air, rough sand and utter darkness. Before I could reach further, it was gone.
Luckbringer Ottilie
Ottilie attached a note to the files
I was given this note by a handsome rogue, who uncovered it with many corpses in the Sewers. It appears that the investment into Bospir's defense has riled them up.
Luckbringer Ottilie
Nihlos has been confirmed to be the leader of the Reaper cult, he believes the Reaper to be above all other gods and capable of killing them. He's a fanatic cultist, it seems he reached out to Orzu after he was punished for necromancy. I highly suspect Arlee, Paul, and Zurask to be involved in this matter as well.
Can we demand Nihlos and Arlee to come to the palace for questioning? Not sure if we have enough information to make them wanted.
Luckbringer Ottilie
We should add Nihlos and Arlee to the Wanted Criminals list. What other evidence do you need?
Osco -
We can 'demand' whatever we wish,
However we would be hard pressed to find cause beyond that of the rumors spread by a known necromancer to follow up on such.
And keep in mind Dear Ottilie,
The moment we start demanding the presence of our fellow adventurers, is the moment we start to lose allies.
We will confront them all, but we must do so with level head and pure intention.
-Dawnknight Appleberry
Let us invite them to the palace then for a chat, preferably somewhere far away from the clerks and with only one of them attending. I know we cannot "demand" much without causing issues, hence why I asked! But, I think Orzu's words should be investigated, rather than dismissed. I have looked into things mentioned by worse sources, might as well take a leap.
Luckbringer Ottilie
Orzu gave me a description of the cultist leader:
"He has a ridiculous dress/under-robe attached to his armor. It's black and grey, and he has a helm with a spike on the top, green and grey. A similarly-colored cloak."
Orzu claims the cultist "annoyed him immediately" with his claims that the Reaper is more than a god, and that gods fear it. I have set Orzu on a task to gather information.
Osco -
A description is what we recall of the one called Nihlo.
Young Dawn, you have seen him more than us, does this fit?- Nan
Yes this is he.
Arlee Caspian admitted to aiding Nihlos Carver and Dario Darkmore in the murder of Dawnknight Aritian.
He confessed and requested redemption.
I will give more information when I am able, though for now, we have offered him the task in bringing the murderer Nihlos to justice.
-Dawnknight Appleberry
All councilors should be watching Arlee carefully then, the Dawnknight has gifted him with a chance of redemption and it should not be taken lightly.
If he is bringing Nihlos to justice, should we not announce Nihlos as a wanted man though?Luckbringer Ottilie
Arlee seem to have already sided with the darkness and given up on his supposed redemption, according to the Dawnknight. I thereby suggest the following bounties be announced.
Arlee Caspian, wanted for murder, defiling of the dead
Nihlos Carver, wanted for murder, defiling of the dead, necromancy, menace of societyLuckbringer Ottilie
For the murder and sacrifice of Aritian, the Order of Aster, Nihlos wanted for the below:
What would they presume as sentence for the crimes below? Wanted for public execution? a bounty of 5,000 - 15,000 coins?
Murder of a Knight of Arabel, the Councilor:
-Murder- Causing, directly or through carelessness, the death of any Arabellan citizen or foreign diplomat.Worshiping the aspect of Death, and not the Deity Cyric.
-Worship of Indecent- All worship the following entities is Forbidden in the name of public decency and the preservation of the free people's way of life: Aberrations, Devils and Demons.Sacrilege on he House of Death:
-Sacrilege- Blaspheming the rituals of an Approved Deity's clergy.Arlee for the following crimes:
Arlee has confessed this. He should be fined an amount of coins that will go to the reward of Nihlos Carver, the Deaths Head.
-Kidnapping- Taking an individual against their will, for any purpose, without consent or Warrant for Capture issued by the Councils.
-Armed Assault- Using any means to inflict excessive physical or magical violence on an unwilling individual. An individual killed and returned by magical means or miracle is to be treated as Armed Assault, unless the individual is a brave hero of the revolution or officiate in service of the CouncilsOsco, how many coins can the Council offer as reward?
-Dawnknight Appleberry
@SadGruffman said in Strange Undead:
unless the individual is a brave hero of the revolution or officiate in service of the Councils
Aritian was a member of the Council, as such the crime should be more severe.
Luckbringer Ottilie
To what end? Do we kill a man who begs forgiveness, and claims to wish for redemption?
Or do we have him prove these are more than just words by offering him a chance? He must aid in Nihlos' deliverance of be taken along side him.
-Dawnknight Appleberry
As I understood it, you heard a sending claiming he already sided with the darkness. Perhaps I misunderstood this? Either way, we could give him a week to give us proof that he is trying, a chance of redemption, but it has to be with something to show. It gives him a sense of purpose, a chance of proving himself, but also prove that the Council is not letting criminals walk free based of promises.
Nihlos Carver, wanted dead or alive, for murder, worship of indecent, sacrilege, defiling of the dead
Arlee Caspian, granted the chance of redemption with the task to bring Nihlos Carver to justice, must present proof of his attempts to the council within the next ten days. Failure to do so, will leave him wanted alive for his crimes, which will then be published.
Luckbringer Ottilie