[SET]Onimosho - Human/Dragon touched (Bronze) Fighter.
Human/Dragon touched (Bronze) Fighter.
Topic Title: Account name /Character name/what you are applying for
1). Race(Human/Dragon touched)/Class (Fighter)/Alignment (Lawful Neutral) /Level (4)/Name of Character (Arlee Caspian)
2). What specific perk(s) (Subrace: Dragon Touched (Bronze)
3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue?
My goal is to join a cult and raise some hell (maybe literally?) and try and cause as much fun for the whole server with great RP! My Dwarf (Biggs Ironhelms) will be off in the background mining his heart away on the back burner.
Bellow is background info....The History of Arlee Caspian
Being on a crew in the sea of swords, just south of Luskan yet north of Neverwinter. The not so famous crew of the Cutlass, lead ship of Rethnor of the council of the five. A large, strong man with a long black beard, bushy eyebrows, and piercing blue eyes. He wielded a sword in his left hand and a dagger in his right. No one would question this man when he made up his mind.
So it was a stormy night with the sea in a fit that Rethnor found a stow away on board. A woman had hidden below deck in hopes of free passage to Waterdeep when her water broke. Her screams alerted the crew, and Rethnor found himself quickly commanding crew members to aid in giving birth.
A Dragon Touched's birth puts strain on the mother, a crew who doesn't know what they are doing, and a storm over head, all contributed to the mothers death. The crew began to scream and yell of bad omens and Umberlee's wrath.
Rethnor was having none of this on his ship. He ordered his crew and Dammed the wrath of Umberlee. He had faced her wrath before and he would do it many more times, he was a legend in his own book and felt that enough to curse her name. He ordered the crew to give him the child that he saw was ugly and large for a child.He didn't care, he had orcs and other monsters on his ship. He raised the boy when he couldn't find anyone in Waterdeep that would claim him. Learning from the caption and members of the crew the child grew up under the name Arlee Caspian.
Now Arlee was an interesting child as much of his dragon features showed. He had a small set of horns, sharp and jagged teeth, a vestigial tail. And a head crest that followed down his spine. Small Function-less wings seemed to grow from his back as he got older too. With every new feature that seemed to become more dominant, the crew worried about Arlee and started to avoid him.After his twelfth birthday and in port at Waterdeep, Arlee got off the boat and boarded passage on a wagon going east. He would not burden Rethnor or his crew any longer. His features of his dragon blood would make it harder to find work. After three years, he eventually he just risked his life as an adventurer, using proxies to get hired for.
His travels had finally lead him to the lands of Cormyr where he soon found out that they don't take kindly to monster looking anything and found himself taking shelter in a small town called Arabel, where they didn't let the kings Purple snakes in.... -
Dont need an app :)
Yep. just recording it.
He told me copper when I was setting him up so he's copper!
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on