discussion: Code of Conduct Review: Dawn Squire Aritan
To Clerk Robinson's point. I gave him the option to change the wording to something more reasonable. He refuses.
To Clerk Wellson. Well said.
To Clerk Rothwell. You miss the point. HE does not have the authority to make the choice to limit any commodity.
To Clerk Matthew, you job will be 10fold harder once the Order starts harming innocent merchants.
No, it'll be easier.
Fewer merchant licenses to issue, and my paycheck doesn't change.
My office. Now.
Word spreads of Matthew being shouted at by an incensed Scarbrough. Matthew then quietly produces a letter that appears to have the half orc's signature- silence issues, before the clerk is permitted to resume his duties with a smug little smirk.
Technically any citizen can uphold the law, the Dawn squire was trying to do just that, because the law book is so vague he happens to be right..
To Fang Lilah, the issue is not wether stoping necromancers is a good idea. It is the law! The point of this is his overstepping his authority and threatening innocent citizens over a clear and now obvious purposeful misinterpretation of the law.
While Arabel does rely largely on citizen's arrests, the arresting citizen cannot issue summary judgment of the matter. This is why we have a council to adjudicate such differences and peacefully resolve them.
No, he has done nothing wrong- except disrespecting all his peers upon this council by issuing a blanket statement. It is a discourteous move. House Misrim can issue their own proclamation, and promise that any Paladins of the Order of Aster in the city trying to 'seize product' will be resolved by their mercenaries.
Fair is fair, after all.
Clerk Pinwell
oh yes Misrim has NEVER overstepped it's bounds,had a traitor in it's mist that it failed turn over Make that TWO traiters. Let those without sin cast the stones shall we?
Fang, if all that have ever sinned could never talk, then who will speak out to protect the city? Not the Misrim, but not the Crimson either. No one. Stick to the merits of the argument. Don't bring unrelated grievances to the conversation.
The gemstones are used in the foul creation of undead. Such is most despicable.
Perhaps they an temporarily issue a ban, or restriction on a quantity. Will merchant require the quantity of onyx that was mentioned? Perhaps then, they register such for a minor fee.A Son of the Sun overstepped, although his intentions are most noble. Undead are unnatural and a threat to all that lives. Scold him and tell him what is unacceptable. If he wishes to pursue the matter, he uses the proper channels to do so and find consensus with a council. To punish a man for seeking to put a stop to the creation of undead, when too many sit by and do nothing, would be most unfair.
A Son of the Sun took initiative. He may have went at it perhaps the wrong way. But this is easily rectified, if a council comes to an agreement on the matter.
- Nan
I would like to clarify on two points stated here, especially in answer to the Druidess.
-I have not overstepped any bounds. There are no laws, no requirements of Council approval that to place a ban or carry out interpretation of the law. I am merely following the Law, and going to work towards such. The laws itself declare necromantic reagents as illegal. I have merely pointed it out. And, as a council member, citizen of Arabel, and an official of Lathander, I will carry out the Law. And I am fully in my right to.
-The amount of onyx needed to animate is a single gem. Not a chunk, not a mass of them. Just a single one. With how much onyx has been entering the city, with knowledge that the onyx is used for animation, the ban and declaration of it as a necromantic item is not a far stretch.
Calling for my removal and calling for me to take down such claims against me as being illegal and warranting arrest are completely unfounded. I have not broken a single law, nor have I overstepped any set boundaries. If you feel I have overstepped, the issue lies not with me, but with the current written law of Arabel. It is shoddy and needs rewriting and replacing.
May the Dawn be with you,
Dawnsquire Aritian Faressain -
The posters have been removed.
-Dawnsquire Aritian Faressain
A Son of the Sun if a member of this council. This makes him an official of the city in some matter, does it not?
Perhaps a Council should establish clear rules as to how one may act, and to what extend this positions grants him powers to act now and swiftly when a den's laws are broken.They would rather bicker than find common ground on the matter. Perhaps a House of Coins should be held accountable for selling land to foul necromancer without doing their due diligence? Perhaps then a land would not have been sold, a forest not brutalized, and these foul crystals would not be.
They can throw blame later. Foul necromancers must be found and stopped. And these crystals need to be removed safely from the land.
A Son of the Sun did what he thought was lawful and of his position. A Council will set clear rules on this from now on.
- Children of the Redwoods, Nanthleenee
@MiladyMouse said in discussion: Code of Conduct Review: Dawn Squire Aritan:
They would rather bicker than find common ground on the matter. Perhaps a House of Coins should be held accountable for selling land to foul necromancer without doing their due diligence? Perhaps then a land would not have been sold, a forest not brutalized, and these foul crystals would not be.
We cannot be held accountable for what someone does with the land we brokered for a sale. Just as a blacksmith cannot be held accountable if someone kills another person with the sword the blacksmith made. Quit changing the subject and trying to hold us accountable for what someone else did.
But he does not get to make laws by himself.
Osco -
A House of Coins is not responsible, no. But they could have worked harder to veto their client. They represent a Den of Arabel. This makes them look bad. And they suspected something was going on as well, did they not? Perhaps things moved too fast for them to find something. It matters not, what is done is done. Perhaps they can try and learn more of their client and the people they were dealing with. Back to the subject.
The Son of the Sun claims he has not broken any laws, yet others say he has. This must be cleared up. And the council members must decide the extend of their power so this does not happen again. A number of a council feel wronged in this. A Son of the Sun should have brought this to the table before making his statement.
As for the gemstones, they are used in many things. Necromancy is but one. Though it is trouble came from those that collected a lot of it, yes? Perhaps monitor such quantities and see to it they are not used to raise the dead.
- Nan
Frankly speaking,
The contraband law regarding necromancy was made with the intent of items that EXPLICITLY utilize necromancy as their core component. While it doesn't say that, we'd be remiss to dismiss the intent behind the law.
ONYX is not an item one directly connects to necromancy. It's a common black gem used in jewelry and as some magical reagents. The fact that it can be used in necromancy is now coming to light-
But that in and of itself means nothing. Bat Guano is mostly used as fertilizer, but it can also be used in fireball spells. It's primary use is fertilizer. We do not ban it for fear of arsonist wizards. Why should we ban onyx for fear of necromancers?
The best course of action would be to request the cooperation of merchants and offer a reward for any large transactions of this particular mineral to parties outside of jewelry merchants. Banning it merely makes merchants dump their stocks extremely cheaply to certain parties who may want to make use of large stocks of it...
You know, I think we might have an undead problem soon.
Clerk Robinson
Clerk Robinson, is quite correct. And had we discussed the issue instead of rash action, I am sure we would have come to a solution like this. I can fully support this solution.
Clerk Robinson,
To argue against your point - if adventurers were shooting fireballs at unsuspecting travelers on the high road, it would become outlawed in short time.
The point of making such transitions unlawful is to aid in apprehending the villain, and of course reduce the access to reagents associated with it.
As it stands, any citizen 'could' fire bat-guano fireballs into the populace and it would be an issue. But that isn't happening. We're getting animated corpses, and so we address the problems core.
Seeing as this city is driven by profit and not the safety of its citizens, we will be forced to attempt alternative solutions.
Misrim Retainers - Do we have a list of known Onyx retailers within the city? If not, can we put one together?
-Dawnknight Appleberry
I can not support the illegalization of Onyx trade. Or more regulation on it. Making it illegal to use as part of necromancy is already covered in the laws.
Our job is not to legislate but to protect the City, the people and the lands of Arabel. Let this move to our actual domain. Hunting down the dangerous Necromancers. Not persecuting the merchants.
Nick - Please post the document you found, I think it's useful information. Personally, I'm neither for nor against a wholesale ban, and I'm also not sure legislation is the best way to go about protecting the city (and I was explicitly promised I would not have to care about writing laws). However, from a purely pragmatic point of view, requiring a permit and/or talking about a ban and investigating the hell out of whoever applies/complains loudest about the ban might get us somewhere useful.