[Set]Mortui - Misrim Retainer
1). Human/Rogue/Lawful Evil/0/Athazar Bakari
2). Misrim retainer - Obyn loyalist.
3). The chief and primary goal is to instate Obyn as the King of Arabel and its surrounds, this will be done by undermining the goals of the status-quo upholding characters and factions, a la a Ghost of Cormyr but as an Obyn loyalist instead.
The main method through which I will achieve this is by tempting unaligned people with promises of rewards and benefits under the new regime.
The secondary method will be through actively sabotaging the efforts of Misrim Islyn loyalists wherever they crop up.
The final method will be through slowly and progressively encouraging the return to the kind of culture and expectations that one would have under the rule of a nobleborn King; be that through tournaments for the amusement of the populace and the feeding of the people; a "bread and circuses" kind of mentality, one that decries the current rulership of Arabel as being ineffectual and weak compared to what they will come to expect and experience under Obyn's rule.4). Mortui, Aureliano Barrus, Mortooee, etc.
Mortui is coming back? SWEET!
Perfect. We need another Obyn loyalist.
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