Council Roster
Name: Lauriella Sithiir
Sponsor: last member of the defunct ACT. Recruited by Nyx to be an Analysis, tactical coordinator and specialist in necromancy.I will keep the files of ACT for the council. With the council's permission I would like to stay on and help this new organization in any way I may while still living in Immersea.
I would also suggest Jo as a member being that she has been my control and coordinator these many months we have worked together well in the past.
Thank you
Captain Lauriella Sithiir. -
Name: Great Druid of the Redwoods Nanthleenee
Sponsor: The Oath - Hierophant Granite the Wise - The RedwoodsWe are the children and the guardians of the Redwoods. The protection of its land and people, and, above all, the Balance, is our responsibility within the Oath.
Name:. Fang Delilah VelHiri
Sponsor: Crimson Guard
Talents:. I'm a stealthy scout that can hold mine own on the front or back line. I can also disarm traps and I have a special ability to communicate with animals. -
Name: Retainer Aric Polk
Sponsor: House Misrim
Talents: Diplomat, merchant, historian -
Name: Lilah Myriim
Sponser; Crimson guard
Talents Paladin front line fighter, battle leader and planner -
Name: Dawnsquire Aritian Faressain
Sponsor: Dawnknight Myrkyr
Talents: Divine blade of Lathander -
Name: Osco Appleblossom
Sponsor: House Misrim
Talents: Diplomacy, music, lore -
Council has named Holy Strategist Keline Hallethen "Commander"
Name: Dawnknight Nicholas Alwin Appleberry
Sponsor: Order of Aster, Eveningstar
Talents: Devoted Lathanderite, moral compass, Paladin -
Name: Saralynne Elfdaughter
Sponsor: Commander Keline (and S.R. Polk)
Talents: Magic, lore, lateral thinking -
Senior Retainer Aric Polk of House Misrim name is removed
Name: Ottilie Taaliyah
Sponsor: Osco Appleblossom
Talents: Supportive, Lucky, Tymoran -
Name: Selifrey Laelithar
Sponsor: Elven Embassy
Talents: Music, diplomacy, history -
Name: Kirin Ashewood
Sponsor: The Crimson Guard
Talents: Brewing, Enchanting, Running, Drinking, Poetry, Enchantment Magic, Common Sense,UnortoUnorthodox thinking -
Saralynne has resigned, given Ottilie her key, and if asked states something vague about 'lack of leadership' and 'childish egotism'.*
Name: Selifrey Laelithar
Sponsor: Elven Embassy
Talents: Music, diplomacy, historyResigned and departed city to join Exiled Elves.
Name: Therene Tanner
Sponsor: Crimson Guard
Talents: Following orders, Flanker -
Name: Rismente Waldon
Sponsor: House Misrim
Talents: Merchanting, arcane knowledge -
Name: Grurec Torunden
Sponsor: Ottilie Taaliyah
Talents: Warrior Skill, Stoicism, Good Sense -
Name: Dextar Jes'tar
Sponsor: Ottilie Taaliyah
Talents: Warrior, Helping hand, Bottle Maker, Smithing