[SET] Cat/Werecat & Misrim
Cat/Werecat & Misrim /Barbarian/Sanura
Sanura was found out in the woods by a group of the Misrim's out on the hunt, accompanied by Islyn Misrim. They stumbled upon the appearing feral child and realized something was not right, that the death that surrounded the young girls was not made by any normal tools, that were were made by hands. Realizing that she was too young just yet to cause too much havoc on the land, Islyn set up a plan to see about catching the girl young. It took nearly a game of cat and mouse, the girl having been able to survive for quite some time on her wits alone. But eventually she was captured and taken to House Misrim. She was kept in a caged off room for the rest of her young life, being taught to not fully set aside her were life but realize that she could have other means. Islyn was the one who gave her many of these lessons, essentially becoming a surrogate mother to the young werecat. She was taught for the "love" and care that was she given through all this time that she was to do the work for Islyn that she needed to be done, be it using stealth to spy on those who oppose the family or be someone who quietly took out rivals by means of it looking like it was some sort of random animal attack.
5 Yes, 0 No
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I'm good with this as long as the player understands that Lycans are KoS so bad things will happen if/when she gets publicly outted.
Edit: What is her "trigger"?
Will C&P our convo when I get home
12:18 PM] Echo: 2 things about your application. 1: what is your trigger to shift? And 2: just want to make sure you are aware that once you are outed as a lycan you may be considered KoS
[12:19 PM] Cat: My trigger will shift will be the big giant fear of abandonment after being taken in by Misrim. And as far the kos part that's not a problem at all! :D
[12:21 PM] Echo: How will you portray this fear of abandonment and how might it cause you to shift?
[12:22 PM] Echo: I guess what we are looking for is how much control would you have over this disease
[12:22 PM] Cat: Hmm I think I will have it be that if she is sent on a mission and and struggles and/or fails on it it may send her on a spiral to shift
[12:23 PM] Echo: Thank you!
[12:23 PM] Cat: She will be a sort of perfectionist -
6 Yes
0 No
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P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on