[RETIRED ]Harlequin/Sovrabi/Game Warden Apprentice
- Is THE huntress of the server, everyone knows her and that she basically is the Hunters Union public figure
- Has proven herself loyal to Arabel, does not compromise the Malar faith and has a lot of respect across the city
- Perfect introduction into the title, and well onto her way to become Game Warden with her own apprentice
- Should become Game Warden once she finds a worthy apprentice of her own, for now serving one of the NPCs temporarily
I'd say Sovrabi is the obvious candidate so sure.
That said the position is only mentioned on the storyteller forum and not even announced yet. We ought to sort out the perks, get them IG and announce it on the public forum before approving anything.
I had an NPC in mind that PCs could appentice for before one could take over the position.
- Information updated on the forums
- NPC desc added to the forums
- Warden perks available IG
- NPC added IG
To be done:
- Sovrabi apprentice's item, leaving this for @Voss_
Apprentice isn't an app but an EiG thing, should there be an item for it other than the badge you get? I can make one this time but it won't be very strong.
Says EiG only right there :)
I think it would be nice if the apprentice got a little something, don't have to be very special
@Voss_ has this been set?
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on