Lycanthropy isnt transmitted via food or bottles. He would have to have been bitten/clawed by a lycan.
I would see this idea more as a wererat than a wereboar.
- " was a child in some rat-infested sewer pipe.*
Goals (republic, treaties, taxation, legal code) conflict with his "seeks the quiet life" statement.
- "has no interest in anything apart from feeding his slimes"
In the title it says CN but in the details it says CE
- You better understand you are a cleric
- This god is mostly reserved for drow and his app does not explain how and why he would be a cleric of Ghaunadaur
- I agree with other previous comments as well
Joe is not OOC able to handle this nor am I willing to allow a player who has a history of being banned, OOC issues, and poor conduct this perk. Joe needs to demonstrate he can play something without his negative attitude when things don't go his way. -
Agreed with much of what is detailed above.
Clerics know they are clerics. The god they worship may be a subterfuge, but they know they are a cleric of -a- god.
Concerning Lycans, there are 4 types. Perhaps this detail could be added in the info page? And we can be selective too if needed. (found on FR wiki so, can be from several editions. 3rd E. I think only has true lycan and afflicted ones. Not sure where the induced and cursed came from.)
Natural Lycanthrope:
- True: Lycanthropes that contracted their condition as a hereditary trait, and could breed with other true lycanthropes to produce lycanthrope offspring. This form of lycanthropy had no cure.
- Infected: Lycanthropes that contracted their condition by being injured (usually bitten) by a true lycanthrope.
- Induced: A being affected by magical items, causing them to turn into a lycanthrope. These beings could not transmit lycanthropy to others.
- Cursed: A being affected by a curse, either from a spell or other means.
I am saying no- however,
The gods manifest in many ways, and it is often the case that monstrous races don't know exactly what they worship- just that they are pleasing some metaphysical entity and its bestowing them power/grace. Ghaunadaur is just one of those gods that does this- a lot, and Drow JUST HAPPEN to be one of the races that worship him out of desperation more than any sense of racial belonging.
They are aware he is a god of ooze, he gives them power to oppose Lolth. He is not a racial deity of drow who patrons their race out of a cultural belonging, but rather- to undermine everything a drow stands for.
So I think it's completely believable you can be a cleric of some niche god like Ghaunadaur in some sort of petty monstrous uncivilized manner of worship. It's why we permit heresies.
But clerics know they are receiving power from something, and know they need to perform rites to receive said powers. He might believe he receives it from the filth, the slime- the acts of petty rebellion against greater powers, or the defilement of their shrines- but he knows they receive power.
You explained it better, Spiffy.
A cleric know they are a cleric (shaman, priest, witch doctor, whatever they want to call themselves as a divine caster) and that a greater power grants them their spells & power. He would know what he worships and that he must serve it and spread its faith, way, etc. In his case, could be the Great Spirit of the Slime, The Ghost of all Filth, Decay itself, doesn't matter, as long as it has a representation that can be worshiped. Some representation of a greater power. He would not know its Ghaunadaur though.
So I'm a bit late but wanted to say something for future discussion:
Also, I don't think lycantrophe is possible to get by eating mage refuse, unless I have misunderstood something.
Isn't this one of the biggest parts of @Salem and her wereboar? Required eating magical items. May've been inspired by that, or a misunderstanding of how that curse worked.
That was just the pig being dumb, nothing to do with being a lycan ;)
Sent to Joe:
The application has sadly bee rejected due to the DM team not feeling confident enough with your ability to handle the pressure and demand expected of the concept. You're however, more than welcome to return on a later date to try again once you feel you have demonstrated your ability to do so. It was also noted that lycanthrophy cannot be transmitted via food or bottles, really and that the story would suit a wererat better. -
"Handle the pressure"!? Are you serious? Well thanks for posting it up and considering it all the same -
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on