SadGruffman/Riktor Amori/Crimson Guard [SET]
Topic Title: SadGruffman/Riktor Amori/Crimson Guard
1). Human/Fighter/Lawful Neutral/5/Riktor Amori
2). Crimson Guard, currently a Shitcloak.
3). Riktor has returned home after 20 years adventuring empty handed. He believed in the Tymoran phrase: “Fortune Favors the Bold” abit too much and spent the better part of his life adventuring and trying to make his fortune. He has returned to Arabel, his birth city, with nothing to show for it but scars and basic soldiering skills. His father served in the Arabel Militia on the side of Cormyr and was slain when the city was taken. His mother currently lives in Immersea. However, loving the land, the city, and the people more than the country which failed the people who died defending it.Goals: Riktor believes in a socialized military style police force. He wants publicly funded and supported group of adventurers on standby (similar to a 1700s Minute Man Militia) and wishes to accomplish this through the leadership of the Crimson Guard. This “Militia” of simple adventurers will act as Arabels’ internal police force and defensive mechanism against foreign threats. As you can probably assume.. This will involve lots of clashing with PC factions and of course the Misrim house who want to control the city, yet would be forced to surrender policing abilities to House Vaylan. Heads would certainly butt with the Watchers and Knight Co. group.
Currently Riktor is a Brown Coat, he is aware of the White Horde threat and means to form groups of adventurers to ‘season’ a militia force. Essentially he’ll be making a list of competent fighters.
Sure, solid app and he has been a brown cloak for a few days.
Has this guy been set?
Set by someone, I think?
Sorry. It was me, again. I suck.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on