[set]Draco / Garen Estelle / Crimson Guard
Topic Title: DracoS /Garen Estelle / Crimson Guard Membership
1). Human/ Cleric/fighter / NG / 8/ Garen Estelle
2). Crimson Guard
3). Garens agenda is fairly simple. Protect the church of Lathander and its members from religious prosecution by the Vigilante Sun by actively supporting Jastyne as the champion of liberty and trying to limit attempts by the Vigilante Sun to take power.While his main interest is protecting Lathanderites, he understands that taking a stance to protect the rights of other faiths and cults, as well as any races that suffer discrimination is likely to win him more support from the general population and Jastyne herself than just fighting for Lathaderites.
Being also aware that he's a priest of a god that's not Tempus or his allies, he's not keen to start a fight with Thane by trying to convert Jastyne and is eager to try and win Drakebane respect (and support) by acting like her idea of a elite solider and assisting her with her goals. By doing these things he should safeguard his position in the Crimson Guard.
As a Crimson Guard Garen will of course be kick arse quite aggressively, since he's also a Priest of Lathander, he has bias toward going after undead threats.
Long term he would like to broker a political alliance between the Temple of Lathander in Eveningstar and the Crimson Guard to give his church a secure future. Garen himself is a native of said town, so known vaguely by the temple already. Through he's unlikely to be able to realise this goal as a mere Fang, he be looking for ways to lay down groundwork for the future from the off.
ta da! -
Made an effort, getting involved IG
@Puffy said in Draco / Garen Estelle / Crimson Guard:
Made an effort, getting involved IG
Yeah, Draco always tries to involve others in his own way. So I'm always in favor (unless its something I really don't think he can pull it off).
Approved and all
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