CrimsonGuard/Sljp/Balma Wright
LG Half-Elf, (1 Paladin/3 Cleric) Balma Wright
Crimson Guard and Canon Order position, by way of Red Knight Clergy
Raise Crimson Guard prominence in a different timezones than Latok. Seen Virgil online exactly once, and the major factions are all pretty sparsely populated in my timezone.
I'm open to ideas with regard to storylines to pursue. Right now I've come as far as "Introductory member of the Order of the Red Falcon (Page, they have noble titles as rankings in the clergy)" per the timeline, and I'd like to spice up the character a bit. Beyond just being a Paladin.
Obviously, as one, I imagine I will intrinsically run afoul of half the druids (who dominate the timezone) and definitely the Mortuary (who is the other half of the playerbase at those times) so I'll probably die pretty quickly. I intend to be pretty militant, but pragmatic per Red Knight teachings.
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