[Set]Zolm/Alexia/Rank 3
- Put the True Sun on the map
- Involving people with the bospir wall building
- Zolm is learning more to roll with the punches
- Moving shaking all of that
- Zolm and authority is usually a bad combo, but no one respects the True Suns authority anyway so dont think it will be a big deal
- Struggles OOCly at times, but he was rank 3 in Crimson Guards and did alright so. Eh
She has not shown any flaws that persist that I am not convinced don't belong to the player.
P.S: We all agreed True Sun Promotions would come as they failed to uphold the creeds and dogma of the true sun.
Well soon enough Alexia going to fall flat on her face ICly and then we can revisit. We can ramp up the Lathanderite conflict and force some unwinnable decisions on the PC to see.
Kobayashi Maru style!No from me for now.
She fell flat on her face
- Broke the Oath
- Abandoned the TS
- Nearly converted to Tempus
She admitted guilt, asked for redemption, re-affirmed her commitment to the Light and stated her release of Tempus.
Set up with Spiffy.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on