[Set]Zap(Skuffy) Alethra Saalir Misrim Blue Dragontouched
1). Blue Dragontouched Human/Fighter/NE/4/Alethra Saalir
2). Misrim Retainer
3). With ancestry stretching back to a mighty and vicious half dragon warlord of the Bedine, Alethra seems something of a dissapointment. While her martial skill is without question, her brash and crass nature leaves much to be desired.She presents herself as a loudmouthed, cocky, petulant, overconfident, hard drinking fool, but this is an act. In Reality she is a Loudmouthed, Cocky, Petulant, Overconfident, hard drinking mercenary duelist, whose natural strength, grace and cunning born from her distant ancestry has carried her through many a fight. It is unfortunate that the arrogance born of that same ancestry has gotten her into most of them.
Now her travels bring her to the city of arabel, where she finds the house most worthy of her services, and pledges herself to the service of Lord Obyn, seeing in him a kindred spirit and many an opportunity to line her pockets with gold.
Bring Obyn back into Prominece after the many successes of his sister.
Further increase Misrim's Economic stranglehold by Proving house Vaylan ineffective, And see them replaced with Misrim Mercenaries
Become the most feared duelest in Arabel, letting her reputation further bolster House Misrim's own.
Open closer relations with the Sembians, Use it to try and lessen or end Misrim's Debt through either friendship or Extortion.4). You still know who I am
Yep! Islyn get ready. You're in for a rough time lady.....
You ditched the True Sun PC?NM found the post! Sure why not, Obyn needs love
Set up.
Dragon touched blue abilities are not working. Acid breath instead of lightning.
Bumped dex by two to compensate for -2 dragon touched scripting error.
Accidents deleted topic title so had to redo it.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on