[Set] Gloomy_Sunday: Gloomy_Sunday /Herud Grim/Crimson Guard Fang
8:23 AM] Gloomy_Sunday: Gloomy_Sunday /Harud Grim/Crimson Guard
1). Half Orc/Barbarian/CE/1/Harud Grim
2). Crimson Guard
3). Above all, Harud will aid any initiative that will allow him the chance to slay Cormyrean soldiers or spies. If the plan does not involve bloodshed, he will betray the plan and slaughter if the odds are not massively against him. If they are part of a plot, he will not hesitate to do torture to his enemies and revels in their suffering.
Grateful to Jastyne Vaylan for the opportunity he has given for revenge, Harud practically worships her. He intends to prove she is the true power behind the revolution and the only one worthy of succeeding Gondegal. In order to prove this, he will lead hunts for those listed as enemies of the revolution, particularly traitors and Cormyreans.
As a noble family of Cormyrean origin, Harud has a strong dislike for Misrim, seeing their retainers and hangers on as bootlickers at best, and potential traitors at worst. Harud will strive to remove the need of Misrim coin from the revolution and will seek contracts with merchants such as the Sembians, offering protection of caravans in exchange for the coins needed to make the army self-sufficient.
In his rage, Harud pledged to become the greatest killer of men who has ever lived, and upon seeing the Crimson Lady in battle he opted to use the halberd as his chosen weapon and will not only become a master in its use, but will have one crafted to his own specifications.
[8:23 AM] Gloomy_Sunday: Bio:
Harud dwelled in the Stormhorns, where he lived off the land and looked after his wife and child. While Harud was out hunting, a group of Cormyrean soldiers, looking for rebels loyal to Gondegal, slew his wife and child, believing them to be offering supplies to the enemy. Upon returning to find them dead Harud flew into a rage, he swore to kill any Cormyrean soldiers he found, in as painful a manner as possible. Hefting a rusty old halberd to his shoulder he immediately sought out Gondegal’s forces and agreed to give aid so long as there were soldiers loyal to Cormyr left to kill. Once the war ended Harud joined the Crimson Guard, convinced that the Crimson Lady was the true victor of the revolution, and vowed to continue killing Cormyreans until there were none left to kill. -
Ok so.... and I cannot believe I am saying this but:
- I like this CE
- I like this Half-orc
He will provide that missing piece for Jastyne again. Pull her back from the land of unicorns and rainbows that Dario has made. Remind her of the horrors of war and the brutal things she had to do.
Voting yes.
P.S. RiP Jastyne's happiness.
Amazing let's crash this joy
Let's just call this confirmed then. 5-0 already.
Confirmed. Approaching Gloomy to run him a prelude because why not.
Set by Spiffy
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