[Withdrawn/Closed]Cyurn / Gwenneth Corvain / Shifter/Shifter-esque Perks
Topic Title: Account: cyurn /Character: Gwenneth Corvain / Shifter PrC (or MoMF like abilities)
1).Race: Human
Class: currently druid - i would like to replace as many levels as allowed with shifter
Alignment: true neutralLevel: 5 (willing to start over from 0)
Name of Character: Gwenneth Corvain
2). What specific perk(s) (subrace, faction, etc)
Shapeshifting abilities into non-animals
3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue
(abridged) Background for Gwenneth:
Gwenneth is an elderly human born in Aglarond but orphaned early under mysterious circumstances. Her family line long ago crossed with powerful blood which afforded most of them an (unwelcome) affinity to magic even generations later. Aglaronds common folk regard magic as something to be feared and avoided.
By custom of the land Gwenneth was therefor introduced into the group known as the children of the Simbul to guide and control her growth in magic.
She spent her adolescense learning the nature of magic in Aglaronds court, but never quite became comfortable using it. Eventually she was sent off to the allied Rashemen as a liason, but moreso to guide her growth in a more suitable direction.
Over the next decades Gwenneth learned the ways of the witches and their approach to magic which she embraced.
Gwenneth eventually left Rashemen and tried to settle in a few places. Her knowledge of medicine and anathomy found her in the role of the "village witch" - a mixture of midwife, healer, alchemist and teacher.
She saw some of the children she helped into the world grow up, develop morals and believes, personalities.
Throughout her years Gwenneth never quite felt at ease with her own unknown nature, which fostered a deep drive to understand people, motivations and the ways of the world - and by extension - her own self.In her late years Gwenneth turned to traveling to widen her understanding of the nature of things and people - and became an inquisitive questioner of morals, motivations of those she met.
She would device small stories or scenarios to test the limits of their morals - their deep inner nature - ever in the quest to know what makes people who they are - and who they claim to be to others.
Putting herself in the perspective of others became a constant state of mind for her, extending beyond people and groups towards nature, animals, monsters. And while she would not adopt their inner motivations - she'd try to understand where they come from.
Survival - growth - safety.
She developed an understanding of the common ground all things share, where they divert, and why. She realized her own part in this follows back to that same common ground - her own nature is a shared one independent of form, race or origin.
Gwenneth is mostly passive in her human form - but likes to challenge people to look beyond appearance and first impressions.
While she has not truely understood her own nature yet she has stripped away many things that do not define her - including her outward appearance.
She advocates a balanced view of all things - independent of the own standpoint.
Ultimately her purpose as she understands it is to further this balance - not just within nature, but within people.How i would like to play Gwenneth:
Gwenneth is a witch - and as such does not trade or work towards becomming rich or influential. She deals in "favours" - meaning she will help freely in times of need, but will demand a favour of equal value later. What is of equal value will not be determined by gold - but by how much the other party actually values something. This requires that Gwenneth inherently understands those she deals with - their nature, their motivation. To that end she will test them - listen to their stories, question them and their understanding of self, and have them encounter situations that test those understandings.
It also might lead to people owing the witch a favour for a long time.
An example would be that she would assume the form of a common man on the road trying to rob a character following Helm with a rusty old dagger so he can feed his family. Not a coldblooded bandit but a man driven to desperate ends.
Another would be that she would send people onto a quest to find a supposed rare ingreedient, then follow them in ravenform to determine their morals as they find out it is the last plant of it's kind from a pleading dryad.
I realize the shifter class isn't currently optimized for any of these things, but it feels the closest for Gweneth conceptwise. My main focus is the RP-ability to asume different shapes. I do not care for any mechanical goodies - a plain set-appearance tool without mechanical statchanges or the like would achieve what i envision.
I hope something like that would be possible.
Some background on this.
This is a new player, less than 3-4 days old.
Attended their first event on the server yesterday when I did the bandit hunt for the Banites.
Seems new to NWN in general, appears to be in European timezones.
I told them we don't really have any Shifter stuff available, and cautioned them against it.
Just explain that we do not have PrCs set up yet and we recommend she look into the Wild Walkers for guidance on CoA druids :)
We don't have Prestige Class support enabled presently. That being said, you should consider joining our druid faction, the Wild Walkers, to get guidance.
thanks - i do not consider Gwen to be strictly a druid, but i'll see where this takes me with her
Should we consider this closed?
@Midgardsormr said in Cyurn / Gwenneth Corvain / Shifter/Shifter-esque Perks:
Should we consider this closed?
Marked as with withdrawn/closed
from what I read on discord the player is not new to NWN. But yeah, they need to learn how we handle druids here.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on