[Closed/Duplicate]DaWarboss / Aurora Day breaker / True Sun Knight
I was sent this app to pass along.
Account name /Character name/what you are applying for
1). Race/Class/Alignment/Level/Name of Character
Half-Elf/Paladin/Lawful Neutal/Level 6/Aurora Day breaker
2). What specific perk(s) (subrace, faction, etc)
Would like to be a True Sun Knight, currently I am a squire but recently helped to expose the mage tower
for being generally evil in trying to harness light for their crystals. Sargent Holance Durmet has told
Aurora he plans to push for her promotion from Squire to Knight. a priestess of Amaunator and will use her divine powers to help the order
3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue:
I plan to play Aurora as a shining example of a Amaunator priestess pursuing good under the knighthood.
She will strive to bring swift justice, mercy will be her morningstar
Goals are to rid evil of course, and being Amaunator protect the weak and the good. Provide guidance to those needing and be a mediator of contracts when called for.4). If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under?
DaWarboss is my name for NWN, Candyman is my discord. I played Sir vincent prize,rodia and the infamous minna barkhorn
[poll title="No"][/poll]
I was sent this app to pass along. Needs more to earn the rank imo. The PC is barely a day old.
I agree too. Also paladin, LN? That can't be right. Paladins are only LG in this version.
Not to mention they're the subject of an active discussion in them helping evil (including the paladin) as good-aligned deity divine casters.
I say no. This is not an acceptable concept at this time for entry into True Sun.
We might review this later but right now paladins are LG, no way around that, yet.
I think the character is fun and she has been very active IG, not seen her supporting evil personally but that is more a question of her paladinhood than member of True Sun. Remember the True Sun is about redemption, so players will have to interact will evil to guide them towards good.nm realised I confused them with the gnome -
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