[Set]Lord Vile (Skuffy)/Calastor Reeves/Misrim Retainer + Item
Background: Born and raised in ancient and respected monastery of Siamorphe, Calastor was trained from a young age in the ways of the monk. This particular monastery held the belief that enlightenment was not found through searching and perfecting the self for the sake of the self, but for the Service of those chosen to rule and through the upholding of proper decorum. To this end, each member of the monastery was sent off, to become a butler to a noble household and find enlightenment through their service. Good or Evil, Greater or Lesser, Nobility ruled and the Monks served. Despite the current political nature of Arabel, House Misrim remains a house of Nobility in the eyes of the monastery, and so Mister Reeves has been sent to their services.
Name: Calastor Reeves
Race: Human
Class: Monk
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Deity: Siamorpha
I am Applying for Retainership in House Misrim, and the Drinks Tray Cosmetic item.Goals:
Provide Aid to all members of House Misrim, his Service is to the House rather than one single individual
Become a Personal Retainer of Anastcha Misrim, Due to his service being to Misrim as a whole he shall seek to work directly under the Matriarch, rather than picking favourites between either child.
Help to Spread the restoration of Nobility, Arabel's revolution is a small blot on the history of Nobility's right to rule. While he would not openly speak of his beliefs so as to not cause issue for his house, he would seek to see the faith of Siamorphe make a return and the proper ways of Nobility with it.
Raise house Misrim to rulership of Arabel, It is the belief of the Monestary that of the Houses of Arabel, only house Misrim truly upholds the tenets of Nobility, and therefore it must be the will of Siamorphe that they rule the city. To this end, he will work to raise the status of the House and Discredit the other factions, while avoiding such actions reflecting poorly upon House Misrim.
This is an amazing app haha
awesome XD
makes me wanna drop my druid and play Mister Reeves' footman XD
Shame we are not on a similar TZ. -
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on