[Archived]Approved Applications
Sap(Skuffy) / Alethra Saalir Misrim and blue dragontouched
removed JoeKickAss
Nyx Darklight/LunaticHigh/Cansin
Ironwarrior/Ussik Underthane/Bronze Dragon Touched
CB is playing an earth genasi hin. I forgot his name
CB is now playing aasimar/ts sgt
Voss is now playing a tiefling (Uridezu descent) -
Added * sharkinajar/Frigilippus Monbarron Singsongius Beezelbuzz/sentinel
Added * spooni/mitzuru jhaelan/dragon touched black
Added * gloomy_sunday/saw tooth/kenku [Puffy]
removed herud/gloomy and grom/walrus
Added Walrus - Gladnes - Tiefling
Hm isn't Misery a Fang now? If yes, needs adding.
added * Missbehaviour/Misery/ Tiefling/Crimson Rank 2 [Unknown]
Updated with Cat Dragontouched
- Zolm/Elridia Di'reyn/ [Puffy] Rank 3
- Captain_Locke (locke on the forums) / Dipple Sprocket / [Professor] Rank 2
- Finalmint / Fenthwick Fizzlebang [Professor] Rank 2
- sharkinajar/Frigilippus Monbarron Singsongius Beezelbuzz [Puffy] rank 3
- Gruffman / Victor Grauch / Professor]Rank 3
- Aeribelle/Aeribelle Frostwave/ [Puffy] Rank 2
- AngryPaladinVotesTrump(Spiffy PC) / Jacob Brightsmith [Professor] Rank 2
- Nymeria / Shaela Iathaumil [Spiffy] Rank 3
- King of the Fugue(Orin) / Holance Durmet [Professor] Rank 3
- Nyx Darklight/LunaticHigh/Cansin [Puffy]
- spooni/mitzuru jhaelan/dragon touched black [Puffy]
- Foley/Arob/Custom Starting Gear [Spiffy]
Removed * Zap(Skuffy) / Alethra Saalir [Professor] rank 4
- Sap(Skuffy) / Alethra Saalir / Blue dragon touched [also Misrim retainer Professor]
- DarkDecay (latok) / Virgil Asgerson / Aasimar
- Slippin Jimmy / Maddox [Puffy] Rank 4
- CB/Aasimar/True Sun/PigWanker/Janine Harrow [Echo] Rank 2
- Citizen Bane / Janine Harrow /Aasimar (True Sun) [Echo]
- Richard Horton / OldTimeRadio [Puffy] Rank 2
- Zolm / Alexia Petersen [Puffy] Rank 2
- Nymeria / Shaela Iathaumil [Puffy] Rank 3
- Master_Sarevok / Jeri Shalach / [Professor] Rank 3
Added * Rose/Alea Flamespoken/ Aasimar [Puffy]
Set up [Manually gave him +2 Dex/Int and -2 Cha. Used Air Genasi Skin for the rest until the subrace system is fixed [attempted fix shortly]
- Master_Sarevok / Galeio Black / Air Genasi
[10:18 PM] Master_Sarevok: Rogue cleric. Member of a “family” that is seeking to establish a new house/criminal syndicate by slowly infiltrating Arabel. Probably via the misrim house since they are the richest, and the Black Family as my PCs family calls themselves are maskites.
10:27 PM] Master_Sarevok: Also, one big main goal is to establish a minor shrine to a new heresay my guy hopes to establish that will be a maskite heresy
[10:27 PM] Master_Sarevok: The Black Wind, which is a wind version/incarnation of Mask -
- Farglenargle /Dario Windmere [Professor] Rank 4
- Dracos / Lydia/Custom Armour -15% arcane failure [Misty]
- Missbehaviour/Misery/ [Puffy] Rank (2) 3