[Archived]Approved Applications
The application process is as follows.
- Check that the application has a poll
- Use Move Topic to relocate the Application from the Player Application Forum with it's own topic.
- Vote as appropriate but please put a reason.
- Once there are 4 yes votes, the app moves to 24 hour confirmation. Edit the Topic to [Confirmation] "Player info". Simple majority carries.
- After confirmation period done, let player know and arrange to have the PC set up. Edit Topic to [Setup] 'Player info", Add information to Approved applications including the DM who set them up.
- If an app is voted down, Edit topic to [Denied] "Player info" and an Admin will tell the player so the Storytellers don't get bogged down with questions and potential whining etc.
N.B Please make every effort to keep this list updated.
- If you are setting up a new character, remove any old ones from that player.
- If you oversee a PvP event where characters are perma'd, remove said characters
- If you see a faction retirement, valediction, request to be removed from a Discord channel or Forum, please update the list.
Storytellers do -not- set up players unless specifically ok'd by an Admin.
This post is deleted! -
Udated 18/10
Set up Joe as a Kenku, Removed no longer active PCs
Updated October 20
- Set up Farglenargle / Dario Windmere as a Fang
I've gone through and updated the list, added MIA tags to people I haven't seen.
Removed MIA PCs and added Mortui's Reinholdt Klein to Tower
Nov 10
- Removed Apple from TS
- Set up Gruffman for Misrim
Added Orin to the True Sun.
Removed Ulric[Verk] from Crimson Guard
Promotion Reinholt/Mortui to Sentinel (Rank 3) -
Removed Caius from Crimson and Ghost - dead
Removed Rose from Crimson - inactive
Updated ranks
Updated Nan to great Druid with Redwood grove -
Added * Walrus/Grongrolim Runearm [Spiffy] Rank 2 and Jeri, looks like Jeri was missed from the list. Put him as rank 3 but he hasn't be set IG yet
- Master_Sarevok / Jeri Shalach / Rank 3 [Professor]
Removed: All dead except gloomy who retired
- Unfie / Claus Nightingale [Spiffy] Rank 3
- Petey512 / Rastaban [Skuffy] Rank 3
- Gloomy_Sunday / Rannus Black [Spiffy] Rank 3
- Mortui / Reinholdt Klein (Ghostspy) [Professor Rank 3
- Ethika / Henry Burrows / [Bowser/Professor] Rank 3
Added Herud to crimsons
- Added Captain_Locke (locke on the forums) / Dipple Sprocket / Tower Apprentice
Added * Aeribelle/Aeribelle Frostwave/ [Puffy] Rank 2
Added * Zolm/Elridia Di'reyn/ [Puffy] Rank 2
Added Finalmint / Fenthwick Fizzlebang [Professor] Rank 2
- Verk / Francis Devalle / Everwatch Guard [Spiffy]
- Mortuuee/ DT (Shadow) / Aureliana Barrros [App-lite Professor]
Added * Dracos / Lydia/Custom Armour -15% arcane failure [Misty]