Heh, uh, no.
Just put "void " in front of it, that ought to fix it.
I'd like to suggest you take a wee bit of a pause, and take some time to go read the forum sticky and get some of the basic basics of programming. The Tutorial section of NWNLexicon in particular I'd recommend.
It's a very good introduction into what's going on when the compiler is looking at your code.
I fixed the mistake in my code.
I recommand downloading the nwn lexicon if it's not already done. It gives you a lot of informations with examples that are not present in the toolset compiler.
I don't know if it's still available but "LilacSoul's Script Generator" can do a lot of this stuff.
I'm using the script generator.
I still can't get the PC to jump areas to the "death plane".
Reading and the web are helping, but the script still isn't working right.
Did you set the waypoint correctly?
You need to create a waypoint in your death area with the Tag “toDeathplane“
Also out of curiosity Snowstorm:
What happens if you don’t have this check;//only do the jump if the destination waypoint exists if (GetIsObjectValid(oWaypoint)) ```And there is no waypoint? =)
Everything except jumping to the waypoint happens.
In this case, the variable ls_stored_loc is stored on the PC, a visual effect would be applied and the player would lose the control of his character for about 3 seconds. The character would not be moved to an Invalid waypoint.
The waypont was there the whole time, but I changed the waypoint from blue to green, and then it started working. Thanks again for the fixes.
Changing the color shouldn't affect anything.
But if you say it's now working, that's good to know. -
does this also disable the respawn popup window?
I have no idea what triggers the popup respawn window.
PopUpGUIPanel() or PopUpDeathGUIPanel() pull up the standard or a custom GUI for when you die. It's called in the code of the OnDeath script (if it is used).
See "x2_death"
So, creating your own OnDeath script that doesn't call either of those functions will "disable" (actually, will just not use) the death GUI.