Changes to the module
The Scribe is gone. No more notes, sealed notes and books from him. His area is gone from the server. PCs have the ability to scribe notes on their own now, here is the trick.
1. Merom the Bookseller in East Arabel now sells something called 'Unscribed Note'. Buy one.
2. As long as this note is in your inventory, you can use the following chat command to scribe it. Let's say I want to make a note saying Lord Bhaliir is my King. I would type that in my chat window:
.scribe Lord Bhaliir is my King!
3. Then the note should change name and be a 'Scribed Note' and the description should now read: Lord Bhaliir is my King!
N.B. If you make an error, you would just have to run the chat command again, it will overwrite the content of the note (Which is way better than the old system (Yay for typos))
Cosmetic changes to central.
Tamara's quest should now work.
Added a few Easter Eggs back in.
Added a neat thing for people to find.
There is now one more little scripted mystery for players to discover. It's something that can be done 1 time per character only, but it's worth it.
- Tweaked the restrictions on skill and ability checks implemented in conversations, let me know if you are still able to attempt a skill check multiple times in a conversation (and succeed it after an attempt that failed).
- Fixed a glitch in the greater dispel magic spell
- Changed the XP calculation formulas for returning to life
- Most quest giver NPCs will now emote out loud how much gold they give to the party leader collecting
- Attempt to reduce the last problems with the Bazaar
Cloak appearance will soon be alterable. Only tailors will benefit from a single free attempt to modify them.
West Arabel has been modified, the spawnpoint in front of the palace has been removed in favour of a more accomodating location.
New quest put in for people to find for levels 2-6
I totally did this :
/forum/viewtopic.php?p=529591#529591 -
Crafters should also be able to alter their cloak appearance next reset.
You can just change their appearance once (after creation). It works the same way as helms. -
- Changed the script when you equip an armor, PCs should be forced to wait for 1 or 2 rounds now
- Altered Rumtum's lab a bit
- Judges should be able to speak to the NPC guards in the jail now
- Suicide should be blocked in jail areas
- It should be clear now that suicide is an OOC option and that you need a DM to suicide IC (we had some trouble with people killing themselves IC and leaving nothing behind…)
- Crown coffers should now be fixed
- First version of the arrest scripts with the uTools is ready for testing
There are now a few areas in the module that are difficult to reach and highly dangerous wherein players can find placeables. If you reach these objects and use them, you'll be rewarded exploration experience. This should only happen once in your character's lifetime–if you can repeat the XP gain it is an exploitable bug and the DMs should be alerted ASAP.
Combined Nanook's Tower into Arabel, Northeast: Homes.
Moved bazaar merchants to NW:Arabel. Removed the old "bazaar" area, moved the back alleys over.
Removed the Red Sword Inn due to lack of business, its shut down.
Moved the "back alley" in the bazaar to a spot just off in the slums.
Connected South Arabel to Southwest Arabel, removed the bazaar area.
Removed a number of out-dated scripts, conversations, and areas. Let me know if anything odd resulted from this.
Put in fixes for the utools.
Pure Rangers will now receive a +2AC Dodge bonus against each of their Favored Ennemies.
The Wyvernwater area has now had an extensive makeover. Please place any feedback or bug reports in the usual places.
Added a few new monsters; they'll be sure to make appearances eventually.
Moved the Shrine of Malar into Caves2. Added a donation bowl to the shrine.
Grimmied up the House of Morning in Eveningstar to reflect its lack of a cared for nature.
Cosmetic changes to Thunderway to reflect some canon landmarks.
Combined the Pride of Arabel and Bathhouses into one area, which are also linked by an underground tunnel for the Pride's "elite guests". The area is now called "Central: High Class Interiors". Granted, the Pride is still closed.
Combined the Shrine of Selune into the East Way : Interiors.
Added a system to support player Fishing. Its a minigame, you shouldn't make a fortune off it even if you're good or lucky, but players can compete to catch the longest fish and there may be a surprise or two if you look around in the right places.
Created Wizard Guild NPCs; Varrel Foxmantle, Hobore Cooperson, Vanosh, and an NPC for Lord Gutnomer.
Minor updates to Mage Guild Cellar.
Various fixes on Bresk quest; loot that wasn't spawning before should, the prisoner is really back (but may have bugs please report these).
Strange Clay Golems are back to the challenge they are suppose to be, but there is now a hint on how to fight.
Fixed a few other bugs. Check bug forum.
– Made the sending guys give back gold if you cancel
-- Added sending systems to Immersea and Eveningstar (in the Inns)
-- Made you break stealth and dispel invis when dying
-- Changed Red Knight domains to Strength and War from Protection and War
-- Allowed Kossuth clerics to be any alignment except CG and CE (hopefully) -
Kossuth clerics still need to be wanded by a DM for their spells, the fix did not work, sorry!
–Lowered the difficulty on the Kidnapped Kid Quest a bit.
To cope with the fact that our server's average level is kind of low, Duration for Clarity is now:
20 rounds + (1 rounds / level)
We have implemented this change to add to the usefulness of this counter due to the fact that our server being a low-magic server, the spellcasting classes are at a definite advantage over non-spellcasting classes.
Low level druid-only fed-ex quest added in a druidy area. Not sure if it actually works, so report all bugs in the bug reports forum, please!
Did some redesigning to the Stormhorns, the encounters there should be a little more varied now.
Adjusted the balance on the Magical Chess quest.
Updated the Anauroch Desert Camp, more updates may come to it in the future. The Bedine's conversations should now reflect current in-game occurrences.
Minor bug fixes all around.
Unlocked the Pride to Baths door.