Changes to the module
More changes to scripted quests, please keep the feedback coming. I've put in intermediate monsters to some quests that used to have low level monsters and then a bit of a gap to some nasty high end spawns, I'm particularly interested to hear if they are spawning and how they do. Without providing spoilers they should be fairly obvious to people who have done the quests in question before.
Major overhaul to Something Underfoot
Defense of Durmoth should be accessible to take now
A lot of tweaking to House Fezznick to the Rescue and Slumming It in particular
New quest for levels 1-5, What Lies Beneath.
Tweaking to the revised Something Underfoot.
All the old raising system was taken out and the new one was implemented on every NPC clerics that granted raises.
Price changed. Report any bug or exploit you find out with the new system although I'm confident I built it solid and tested it enough to ensure it works as intended.
The bard instrument script was changed. Let me know if some music is mixed up.
Another new quest for levels 4+, Withering Heights
The quest is very open-ended, please think carefully before posting bug reports.
Added resting in wilderness to barbarian just like rangers have.
Most importantly, I modified pretty much every beds of the module and the resting scripts. Hopefuly all will work as they used to or better and those that were bugged will not be anymore.
Let me know if you stumble on any problem with resting.
The 3 bard instruments were pimped.
All soundtrack should now be available on them and the name should not be messed up anymore. I still need one last update to rename a few songs though.
There is a new Treasure system implemented into some scripted quests.
So far, the system has been done for those quests:
Tymoran Crypt
Frin's Basement
FroidocNote to players: Please report odd glitches or stuff that you find unusual. The level of reward is intended to be a little higher than precedent treasure spawns, so that's normal.
However, things such as these wouldn't be normal:
– Faction loot being given by standard chests
-- Lots lots of stuff being found in the chests (like, 5+ items from a single chest)
-- Duplicated things
-- Weird, bugged items.
-- Really rare or powerful objects. -
Treasure System been added to:
Fey Quest
Maysen's House -
Added a new area to the Haunted Halls.
Added Tressym to Eveningstar and module. These are winged cats of good alignment favored as familiars by gentle wizards.
Made a few minor changes to the Haunted Halls: Hall of the Lost King to reduce the power of monsters and provide a few more treasure rewards.
Updated spawn tables for the Helmlands to reflect the strange warped nature of magic there.
Added almost a dozen new creatures to the module.
Adjusted custom spawn AI, some foes may soon begin acting more intelligently.
Fixed treasures in Haunted Halls: Ruined Laboratory which were giving out too much treasure.
Minor edits to Arabel, Southeast near arena.
Tressym should no longer by killed by NPC guards in Eveningstar.
Commoners in the slums now discuss current events.
Beholders now patrol the slums.
Descriptions fire when you enter these areas to explain the darkness and the mood.
Druegar Mercenaries have a conversation now explaining why they are there.
Added many new caves and places to explore that link up to several areas.
Added a new underwater CARES theme.
Minor updates to Haunted Halls and World Serpent Inn.
Minor adjustment to foe on the Tymoran Challenge.
Two new monsters added to the module as part of the Underwater CARES Theme.
Added some bones and bloodstains to central Arabel near Bhaliir's gate due to the recent conflict over the blockade.
Central now displays an enter message indicating the deteriorating nature of the neighborhood.
Moved a few NPCs around to reflect their new habits with the trouble in Arabel.
Minor adjustment to the Lost Ring Quest, cosmetic mostly.
Renamed Border Forest areas to have the prefix "Hullack Forest: Border Forest so that it is more obvious where they are to players.
Minor adjustments to Calantar's Way, mostly cosmetic right now.
Added a new quest in that will need testing before it goes live, hopefully next week.
–Luckbringer Matthew will now correctly offer healing for 15gp to those that have finished the quest.
--Stuff you don't need to know about
Additional settlements added to the Underdark for players to visit and learn more about what's happening under the city of Arabel and its surroundings. The Bloodied Axe has been relocated, for practical purposes–asume it has always been where it is now. A duergar settlement did not suddenly pop up around it.
Fixed a bug with the faction store for Fivestar Merchants. (I hope).
Updated Merciful Sword Building to reflect the damage from the battle there and its after affects.
Doreta sells MW cloaks of Helm now.
Adjusted the spawns at the fey ring, its not actually suppose to be the same fey every time--and was suppose to be random fey every time.
Put in the Vast Swamp areas that I forgot to put in on v47 ten minutes ago. Oops. Players get to visit all the famous canon areas of the Vast Swamp, which is hopefully just as deadly as the canon stories make it sound. Good luck.
Also forgot, a new quest is in. It may be bugged. Hopefully not.
Yes I know how to count, it's just that we don't announce everything!Okay so the changes that really interest you are:
- PC mode switch no longer show you switching between PvP modes
- The portion that did not work in Oemor's quest is not accessible anymore until it's fixed.
- Fixed the prayer spell, you can now use it safely near blue NPCs I believe
- Modifications to skill checks and ability checks
- A new formula is now used to calculate XP losses when you return to life.
Respawn: You lose 45% of your total XP
Any form of raise: You lose 18% of your total XPBy total XP, I mean the total you have with your character while you are in the fugue. So there's no tricky obscure formula anymore, it's just a fixed percentage.
This will be in testing, it might change depending of how it affects the balance of the server.
–Kidnapped Kid Quest yields 20% less XP as some people were getting about 1000 each time (too much!)
--Kidnapped Kid Quest level restrictions changed to 3-7 instead of 3-8 to better balance it.
--Added a new quest called Damp Cave:It's for levels 1-4, it's outside the city, but not too far away!
I imported and exported and changed things a lot, so there may be a few bugs or unforseen errors. If something doesn't work right, this includes getting too much treasure or XP as well as getting too little, or any weird monsters, or wrong journal entries or anything of the sort, please list them in the Bug Reports forum. Conversations especially, you should only be able to make a skill check once. That said, I'm pretty confident that it works fine. So go and try it instead of spamming Hidden Garden.
Henceforth, creatures that can float/fly will receive a substantial bonus to their climbing/jumping/balance checks.
As always, this is subject to alteration/adjustment if necessary.
Please report any anomalies in the appropriate forum. -
A lot of tweaking to quest rewards and difficulty.
Defense of Durmoth and Waves Against The Grain should now be a lot easier than they were before.
The Gilmor quest has been spruced up and put on the QuestSys system.
Please be detailed in any feedback, the quest is pretty open-ended.