Changes to the module
A new old quest has been put back in and the difficulty of others has been tweaked.
- Fixed a bug with animal forms and their hides for the subrace system
- Fixed transitions and turned flags
- Fixed some uTools
- Fixed Porry's conversation
- Fixed other minor details
Edited the conversation to set Crafting Skills to be easier to find and notice.
Added a new area to the Haunted Halls for exploration.
Sewers will find a very noticeable change all around due to the end of a recent plot.
- Merciful Sword Commemoration Library is now at the Former Merciful Sword Compound.
- Donations made to the Museum from the Purple Dragons are now in the module. Time to go visit again!
Next Reset:
- Some changes reflecting the Shadovar War should be in.
- Two quests previously closed off due to the Shadovar War are open again.
Adjustments to Narfel Smith quest.
Added a notice in the Chauntea shrine about a reward for the Cornucopia.
Updated South Hills: Springs to reflect recent changes to area.
Made the throne in the Hall of the Lost King usable.
Teleportation Bolts should now fire a message when they move your PC so you don't think you're lag-jumped.
Added new subraces. Janni, Fey-Touched, Githzerai
Fixed summons bug for a DM faction.
Edited Underwater scripts, Janni get a bonus of 10 extra rounds underwater, Water and Air Genasi can not drown.
Performed many bug fixes. (All locked Sept 3, 2008)
Over Run Slums now links to Over Run Sewers as it should.
Gilmore should now pay… fingers are crossed or I move this quest to the QS
Lord Winter now pays the entire party for her quest, not just the speaker.
Froidoc bugs should be fixed.
Well other DMs would probably have to add lots of stuff to this list, but this is what I worked on in my three last updates.
Fixed Froidoc's quest
Added the white stag shape for companions
Added spawnpoint for lieutenant and higher in officer section of jail
Added a Ritual Symbol item for those who wish to perform ceremonies
Worked on the search tools
Fixed the PDs in central Arabel (yeah they are removed now I know)
Fixed Pilgrim quest transition
Changed Jarnek's waypoints in hope that he stays where he must be
Fixed Dragon Breath for Dragon Disciple and Half-Dragon
Added a way to give any portrait to PC animal companion (there's already a tool for shapes)
Another try at fixing Oemor's conversation
Fixed Parner's dialog for the Slums Tower ending
Fixed rest in Flynn
Moved the WW teleportation waypoint in their tower
PC should no longer forced to hide items when they are searched
Guard bell won't notify other faction, added a bell (on the gong) for PD that notify them as well as WW
Updated all alerts (I think there are so many!) linked to the old Guard faction so that they work for both PD+WW and Guard separately
I think that's all, there are likely other small glitches too that were fixed.
Three of the level 8+ quests have been altered to level 7+ and rebalanced. Please send in any feedback if you do them. The remaining level 8+ quest is in the process of fixing and rebalancing. Other high end content has also been rebalanced.
Gold rewards have been increased by 20% across the board. NPC dialogues may not all reflect this but do not send in bug reports yet as the increase is on a trial basis.
A large dungeon for low level people to explore has been put in. While it is open to high level people, do not be surprised if it seems easy. Otherwise please PM me any opinions/bug reports concerning it.
The changes around the city continue to reflect the changing state of affairs in town.
Rewards for most of the lower level quests have been increased and the xp moderated. Some of the more dangerous creatures have been replaced with weaker alternatives.
Scrambled Eggs quest should now be working properly, difficulty has been decreased further since initial playtesting.
A few new areas to explore have been put in and one linked up that was previously DM access only. If you find them please report any bugs experienced and use common sense about what you do there. You'll know what I mean if you find them.
Yaesol quest overhauled.
New scripted quest put in for levels 3-7. Please report any bugs or balance issues with it if you find it. Difficulty is intended to be on the low side of moderate.
Another new scripted quest for levels 6 - 12. Please report any feedback if you do it. Difficulty is intended to be moderate to high.
The chess quest has been overhauled and is now for for levels 3-7.
Also linked back up another old quest that has had changes to the storyline because of IG events, if you do it please report any throwbacks to the old story line.
Chess quest should be working a lot better after the next reset following initial play-testing.
Contrary to popular belief, the DMs did not put in the scripted quests as some kind of tax on player levels, they are all intended to be balanced so that a moderately balanced party can manage them without too much bother provided they take a bit of care about it and come out with a decent profit. If any quests seem truly overpowered or difficult please provide feedback in the suggestions forums but please give us some information to go on. 'Orc camp suxx, I suggest you fix it' doesn't give us much to work with. We can't promise that we'll make it easier, but we will try to look at it.
All quest givers should now have a single description on them listing the levels and party sizes for the quest, if any have two or none please post in the bug reports forum.
Should be effective next reset:
- Removed all faction level caps
- Signaling device are now available to characters, somewhere IG
- Extended arrest delay on uTools to 8 seconds to match the guard wand
- Characters log in beetdown mode
- No more flashy animations for guard search, it can now be considered an IC action.
- Oemor and Julie's quest was slightely tweaked. Let me know if there is still any problem with the ability check.
- Fixed web and glyph of warding (find trap also take out active glyph in the area now)
Huge changes that you will not see for the most part…
-a lot- of scripts were tweaked or completely replaced, mostly in conversations. Let us know asap if you find new bugs, problems, exploits in conversations since many scripts that check the amount of gold you have and take a portion of it for a service or an item were replaced.
If all work, you won't see this change.
The lady's challenge exploit was also fixed. Thanks to StuffyDoll and those with whom he tested it for reporting it.
Made a bunch of changes according to the feedback received regarding quests, thanks for everyone who contributed, please keep sending it in. In particular the exploit reported may hopefully be fixed now, the people who reported it please check if you do the quest again after the next reset.
One thing that has disappointed me is that some quests have apparently long ago earned reputations as 'death traps' and many people will not go on them to the point of sending ooc tells warning others not to go on them either when they try to gather a party, but they do not report to the DMs. We can't investigate and make sure things are fair if no-one tells us something is wrong. We have zero interest in any of our quests being so skewed in risk/ratio that no-one will ever do them, it will inevitably be the case that some are slightly harder than others, but we want them all to be within reason of each other.
Also remember the more details that can be reported regarding any bugs/oddities the better, it helps us check things no end. Screenies also help greatly.
More changes to scripted quests, please keep the feedback coming. I've put in intermediate monsters to some quests that used to have low level monsters and then a bit of a gap to some nasty high end spawns, I'm particularly interested to hear if they are spawning and how they do. Without providing spoilers they should be fairly obvious to people who have done the quests in question before.
Major overhaul to Something Underfoot
Defense of Durmoth should be accessible to take now
A lot of tweaking to House Fezznick to the Rescue and Slumming It in particular
New quest for levels 1-5, What Lies Beneath.
Tweaking to the revised Something Underfoot.