Changes to the module
-Reduced East Way placeables by approximately half to reduce lag.
-Removed one of the horses in the field.
-Decreased Fog distance, hopefully reducing simultaneous rendering stress.
-Added Archery Targets to Range behind the bowyers.
-Moved trees so that Sugnar's door should be fairly visible from the west angle.
-Added Bar/Inn sign to East Way Inn-Previously DM access only area now can be visited normally (Reminder, DM supervision for attacking non-hostile NPCs is required) and has undergone significant upgrades to bring it to standard for non-DM setup area.
-Fixed a missing tilemagic in a spoiler area, where a river suddenly became a chasm.
-Added swamp water tilemagic where the borderpoint of the Vast Swamp is on Thunder Way.
-Removed a large amount of unusued resources from finished plots, or NPC's now converted to the less resource-consuming system.
- Switched some of the Glade trees to new ones (Please report extreme lag situations, and we'll see if we can find a good balance). Changed background music in the Glade.
-Renamed Stormhorns Western Descent to Stormhorns Frigid Cliffs. This is to avoid confusion with the newer added Stormhorns Western area when that section of wilderness was expanded.
-Removed the late Prince Caliburnus.
-Some updates reflecting ingame events.
-North Road is now named Marliir's March, and all sections of the road are prefixed with such, matching the conventions of the other roads.
-Volcano Spirits no longer spawn hostile. Greater volcano spirits are slightly larger. Volcano spirits slightly smaller.
-Purple Dragon Cavalary now has the Cavalry suffix in the NPC name.
Chages are:
- Fixed Lokarn's door, I think.
- PD knight should now be a restricted PRC, let me know asap if you are still able to take the class without needing to be wanded.
- Summon have been changed to match what was suggested in general discussion.
- Guards, PD and WW can no longer learn if there is a stolen flag on items, they can no longer remove it either.
- ECL shouldn't be taken in account anymore to enter a quest.
- Sending system are now Cormyrwide, they can't be heard outside of the knigdom.
- Some wildmagic stuff was implemented too.
See the announcement about persistant storage as well please.
-Fixed Lokarn's door. The door is no longer locked, but Ronus will yell and not let you go downstairs without a pass.
-You can no longer go traipsing in Lokarn's bedroom.
-Armor anvil should now be accessible, not blocked by the tile.-East Way Well should function now.
-Assorted placeables removed to reduce lag. Most notably multiple willow trees and the chopped tree placeable (after testing discovered these as major sourceS)
-The inn stream is partially enterable.
-Northeast corner now turns into a tree line, instead of a wall, sicne the wall looked aesthetically poor and didn't map the hill well.
-The PD Tower of Doom is now a much smaller simple Watchtower. The interior map of it has had some changes reflecting the single door as well.
-East Way Inn interior backdoor exits into the stables.
-Hitching posts block the horses currently in the stables, to prevent theft.
-Wall around the shrine altered for aesthetic purposes-Fixes to upcoming 1.69 converted areas (Frontier Farm, Eveningstar, Immersea) based on test runs.
-An area previously requiring a DM can now be visited without, provided you have the IC means to do so without being attacked.
-Some modifications to secret door code, to allow different hidden objects.
-Added script for an automated bartering system, allowing for itemized trade without DM presence.-Some resource cleanup in the backend
-Fixed a broken secret entry that no one can actually use as yet >_>
-Removed willow trees from the Glade.
Another In Progress
-Lokarns door fixed…hopefully.
-Old Eastway is going back for now, while New Eastway continues undergoing upgrades and testing. The gun was obviously jumped a bit, and adjusting to the new patch techniques has proven a little more demanding then originally thought.
-The Farmer Wife selling baked goods got ported over though./
-Adding a horse on the Road to Arabel, if after the next reset, everyone crashes in droves, try and get word to the DM team immediately. The idea is to partially fix the lag generated by occasional horse viewing by loading the animations. Though my understanding of the engine workings in play may be flawed and this won't work.
-Trade mechanism now properly gets rid of the item you traded when paying you.
-The Eclestian Index added ingame.
A reset has to happen first, as a note.
-Removed Old Iron Throne Headquarters that was still in the mod.
-Fixed some doors that were busted, and some similar instances in other places.
-Lokarn's armor anvil workings should now be accessible, it's been lowered and moved off that platform a bit.
-Dragon Disciples now breathe whatever their color is supposed to. Due to nwn limitations, it'll still show as "X breathes fires" and play a fire visual, but the effects will match up. If you're playing a metallic dragon disciple and want to breathe an elemental instead of a status breath, please indicate this preference to whichever DM sets you up. This can also be changed on the fly with DM oversight.
Some more backend resource cleanup
In the most minor update ever concieved.
Added some new OA's for DM quests, and pulled a few old ones out.
Edited areas on Bresk Vampire Quest.
Made cosmetic changes to Sunken Ship Quest; also increased XP reward at the end to make it more in line with other quests in this range. This quest seems like it would be too easy; please advise me if that is the case or not.
Made spawns on Road to Redspring more balanced for the middle-level parties.
Vampiric Mist is immune to its own attacks.
Deleted unused resources.
Set several beds in the Tired Traveler to Plot; someone thought it was funny to smash them all lately.
Lowered treasure value on Narfel chests; they gave too much. Also spun the WP around so they faced the right way.
Added several new creatures for summoning themes.
Made cosmetic changes to a few areas.
More changes to the module:
- Fixed some chests pointing in wrong directions on lumberjack and Orc Camp
- Some quest givers will now have a description including the level range and party size allowed for their quest
- Changed lightning bolt spell (read the changes with your character token!)
- New limit of items is now applied on persistant storage
- Trash receptacles should no longer delete corpses and artifacts
Removed a few "Condemned!" from 4 sewer entrances, that should have been removed a long while ago.
Fixed conversation error on the new Alchemist Quest, I'll be gathering volunteers during the week to help test this.
Reduced XP gain in some areas that could easily be exploited for massive powergaming.
Tweaked Crazy Fey quest slightly.
Hopefully, Vampiric Mists won't still kill themselves on spawn in.
Wyvernstones can be reached without a DM again.
Lady's Challenge now pays 100 per person rather than 150 total to encourage parties and lower the solo'able rewards.
Reduced some of the bigger pay-outs on statues on this quest.
The necromancers on this quest should finally have their undead working properly–but then again--who knows this is my fourth effort. Tell me if it worked.
You can now drown when you're in certain underwater areas. This is in an alpha-stage and will need some testing. If everyone drowns when this module version goes up as soon as they log in--my bad.
Added description to Karin Gallin.
Karin now pays 150 per person for Gilmore's Tower, rather than 200 total.
Added a delay to Gilmore's doors so people walking should now be teleported. We need to discuss this quest, its a bloody mess honestly right now.
Fixed Drinking Fountain in north Arabel.
Fixed the stupid "You manage to drink, but are no longer thirsty." typo--this should be "and" not "but". Its frustrated me for years!
You can now bluff Porry Hatter and tell him you're a wizard. This should allow this quest to be done slightly more often, it is a fun quest.
Removed some Willows from the Glade.
Added an Old Posted Stump to East Arabel Road just to see if it'll work.
Changed the appearance of Twig Blights/Tree Blights. They should look less like humans missing some parts now; but if they look terrible let's change them back. They have descriptions now too.
Added server messages to the drowning scripts to explain to players what is happening to them.
Customized the devil/demon summoning theme.
Removed some areas that existed only for Fed-Ex quests.
Modifications to Desert Camp area.
Changed the model of the Tree Stump Post thing on the East Road.
Slight boost to Magical El-rats. They now do various elemental damage with their attacks.
Deleted unused resources.
Updates to Kanthea's Tower.
Combined Tailor and Nebrilimar's shops into one area to save space.
Added No Trespassing Sign to abandoned Bhaliir estate.
- Fixed Oemor's conversation (intel check).
- Deleted unused ressources and replaced a few (mostly skill checks in conversations) so let us know if you face some bugs.
- Refreshed the whole Bazaar scripts.
- Second attempt at adding level range to quest giver NPCs, if you could list NPC quest givers who don't have this in their description, let me know which, make a list.
- Other minor changes.
- Removed the area Death Claims You! You will now spawn on a separate island in the fugue where your gears should drop when you die. Let me know if it works if you try it.
- Added persistant storage in the EO
- Added a permanent cell in the EO. Arresting characters in the EO building will now mark them as detained (which makes it last after a reset).
- Modified the EO basement
- Adjusments to the uTool
- Adjusted shackle scripts a bit (EO seal are now keys that allow the use of shackles)
- Frin's door should now close due to the fact she does not let the basement door leading in the sewers open. Because it stinks.
- Changed the City Guard Device again, Teleport should now work properly, only WW and those with WW cloak can use it now
- Fixed a bunch of transitions
- Final adjustments to the Bazaar for now
- Tweaked Oemor's conversaations
- Fixed abner bakery
- Partly fixed the glade Guardian Spirits
- Tweaking of the notebook quest conversations
- Added Wereboar subrace
- Added Werespider subrace
- Added Werebear subrace
- Tweaked werecreature subrace in general, you might notice changes in the stats
- And always more minor details I forget about
- And lots of secret stuff you shouldn't know about! are not really concerned with or might learn about later in a plot!
-Added Library Display Shelves to Murnilisk's Tower, Museum Library, and Mage's Guild Library. Books can only be added/removed by a DM. Useful plot information may be added to the books by DM, or it could just be random lore.
Players can try to contact a DM in-game to talk to the Librarian to ask to donate a book. Only books read through the Examine screen are possible to be added. Do not hound the DM-Channel if no one replies the first time. They likely are busy.
A new old quest has been put back in and the difficulty of others has been tweaked.
- Fixed a bug with animal forms and their hides for the subrace system
- Fixed transitions and turned flags
- Fixed some uTools
- Fixed Porry's conversation
- Fixed other minor details
Edited the conversation to set Crafting Skills to be easier to find and notice.
Added a new area to the Haunted Halls for exploration.
Sewers will find a very noticeable change all around due to the end of a recent plot.
- Merciful Sword Commemoration Library is now at the Former Merciful Sword Compound.
- Donations made to the Museum from the Purple Dragons are now in the module. Time to go visit again!
Next Reset:
- Some changes reflecting the Shadovar War should be in.
- Two quests previously closed off due to the Shadovar War are open again.