Changes to the module
Darkleaf armor and Leaf Armor should now not cause druid spell loss.
Aesthetic changes to PD barracks.
Please let me know if anything is wonky or doesnt work right.
Meeting room made more accessible in the Spire
Knight/Ambassador rooms updated in Spire
Bells added to the barracks and estates
Signs added to various faction bases
The Thayan in Shylock now offer a copy of neb store
Shylock has had minor improvements to stop NPCs from standing in the doors
East Wild no longer has floating trees
Old Town has had minor updates to reflect players recent investments in plots and more! -
Fixed (maybe)Added
Evidence of places Safiya has been
Some interior design pieces in the WW and PD areas
Fixed:A Few minor modifications to Tyche's Challenge
Mythalite now uses 50 charges properly. i.e. each chunk of mythalite can be used to improve spells as a reagent 50 times before it is depleted. (If you have a chunk of mythalite without any charges, i.e. the old version, contact a DM)
Dwarf old town tavern names and lighting fixed
Haunted Painting boss given a boost
Druidic Staves implemented.
Recipes can be found at a druidic shop, but not for all of them. Some knowledge is sacred/lost/needs to be earned.
Only woodcrafting has them currently, and they are only elemental staves for now.
I plan to make duplicates for bone crafters, as thats a legit druid crafting skill too, so no need to limit it to wood only.
Militia should be able to get set up to get their pay now. Other factions may or may not get pay depending on things. But also, one faction is easier to test, and less of a problem if things break to fix while we work out if this is all running smooth.
Fixed Cormyrian mountain bear hide tanning.
Fixed deputy helms being lost on reset/login
Fixed militia gaurds shouting at militia PCs for having a weapon drawn.
Also made a change to the way the "gardening system" checks the time. There may be some initial issues with planted trees etc. I would advise druids to gather seeds for a…. strange season.... And be ready to replant. Essentially, anything you plant should be fine, though things that were planted in the past, may (or may not) never grow larger than they are now, so chop out any dodgy plants, and replace them.
Also, implemented Project X
As of next reset, rolling a 1 on a saving throw is an automatic failure, regardless of your point in saving throws.
As of next reset, Proptection from petrification potions exist, and can be gained in various ways.
Re-balanced the price of stone skin potions via alchemy, they were WAY too cheap!
Attempted a general first pass server performance tweak. Hopefully we'll get a little more speed and a little less lag. Might be able to improve a little more in future if it works out.
Druidic Staves can now be crafted by Bone/Leather workers, so that druids who choose that skill are not left out.
You can only upgrade a bone stave into a bone stave, and wooden ones into wooden ones.
Also, I fixed the recipes, so they should work now for upgrading.
Added the new bone recipes into the place you get the wooden recipes.
Also some changes to some dungeon(s)
This was done a while back but:
Items that cast "holy sword" now have teh following effect instead of the default (which was pretty OP)
+3 Enhancement (or attack bonnus for gloves, or other items that can't take enhancement bonusses as item properties)
D6 Divine damage vs evil
SR 12
On hit dispel DC 14
For caster level rounds -
Next reset druidic staves should be properly fixed this time….. honest... (It was just the water and earth ones that couldn't be upgrade due to a tag mispell, so I fixed it)
also Aldeks bear claw has been editted a little. Climb checks dropped by 2DC
A lower CR ranger added to make auto scaling better.
Lower CR animals added to make auto scaling better. -
Scrambled eggs shouldn't spawn almost all Githyanki Gish anymore.
The Frost Giants who are part of "okrigs" tribe have been adjusted a little, some of the ones that shuld have spawned (most notably some shamens) were apparently not spawning, they should spawn more often now (if your party is powerful enough) They also have a few more hitpoints to account for the more powerful weapons players are able to gain.
Should be able to use socketting kits to add two sockets to weapons again (as it's ok now, because you can't put multiple damage gems into them anyway which is why the single socket limit was being enfroced originally)
Rangers shuld no longer lose animal empathy when taking the beast master kit. Thought it was worth noting here, I have also changed the classes information to show that this bug does not exist anymore.
Fixed a problem which was stopping escaped Bherskhan workers getting into the ruins, and therefore allowing more netherese alloy to be found. Now these guys can actually escape, and be found wandering the ruins.
Also upped the amount of alloy you get from the "boss" version, so it's more worthwhile to fight one of those if your planning to make steel items.
Steel weapons are now flat +1 AB instead of +1 AB vs (almost) everything. They still also have their realy nice damage bonus. These weapons should be decent to have now as standard issue weapons, and as crafter can make any weapons type there is, it means your weird build that duel wields a kukri and a light flail can have decent weapons.
a whole bunch of spell alterrations, but especially the death touched sorc themed spells, have been "fixed" as some of them probably werent using the right DC's properly, or were hitting friendlies when they shouldn't have been, or both.