Changes to the module
Immersea now reflects the latest explosion
The Wedding Wreck can be found in Wyvernwater
3 New Bounty Creatures
Various new lore available IG -
Creatures from the new module update have been added to CARES (our City of Arabel Random Encounter System). This means you may be running into these guys; please make sure you've got your haks updated or you may not be able to see them.
New crafting supplies in Old Town.
You no longer need to praise Mystra to reside in Maleen's Spire, convo has been slightly edited with Raznor and the spawn point moved to the lobby. It also mention something interesting for any new adventurer ;)
There is now a quest you can take to gain the position of 'Advisor' to the Citadel Council faction. It should be easy enough to find.
To add to the above. If you are part of another faction, do not take this quest, even if it for some reason lets you, It is a bug that it does if it indeed does.
Just a reminder too. you should only join factions with main characters. The above mentioned quest lets you join a faction.
Plebian Court can alos be joined in a similar way to the Citadel Council now. The quest giver is in Shylocks. Look around.
Several areas have had their map points updated, now you can make maps for loads of places! Please remember to report any area that don't have mapping but you think should, to the suggestion topic.
Mount Rausrawana has also had an update, along with various other areas with lore and stuffz
New haks in, make sure to update!
Furies moved and packed IG, happy hunting to find them
Old Town has no gates, cause they blew up. wops.. where there goes that defence.. :D
Memorial garden added -
Put in an updated Old Town. This Old Town still allows PvP just as the old one does, it has NPCs present in it but these NPCs are BROWN and not BLUE so PvP in front of them is acceptable, unless you catch them in the cross fire and then they may fight back which is not a bug.
Did some Death Touched and other bug fixes.
Players now need a different reagent to summon charring corpses. Charring Corpse was just too powerful and now requires something found on quests and linked to fire and negative energy.
Added Apple Trees and Memnon's Peppers to gardening system.
Undead Chocobos now use an actual undead appearance.
Added the Beast Master kit for rangers. If a ranger has any animal companion currently on the Magical Beasts list, they can no longer maintain that companion without the kit. Please be warned.
Details of new kit here.
Lair of Temptation has been edited to be less deadly and more rewarding
Graffiti has returned to Old Town! -
Bresk Quest got some new loot. Go check it out!
v 2704
Made adjustments and bug fixes to Beast Master Ranger Kit (so it should be working now).
Updated and fixed bugs with Ice Giant Quest, rewards will see a boost here now.
Updated loot on Io-Rach goblin quest, just adding variety and better socket gems to quests. No quest should be giving a "Crippled SKILL BONUS" gems anymore, those that do need to be updated.
Tried another fix to Beast Master Ranger kit. Companions should now be working properly, hopefully the feats are applying when you log in as they should.
Added a new tree and plant to the gardening system. This changed the recipe for Healing Kits +1 to be something that you don't have to go out to the desert to find.
Possibly removed a reward given out on the Azer quest, I will fix that very quickly. Won't affect the quest really, you just may find you don't get a whetstone as an extra reward in the end stage.
New spell caster available in Old Town, offers similar service like Raznor.
Added in a Winter/Yule/Christmas/Kwanza/Festivus/Secular Winterfest themed quest for you all, available only for a couple days!
Put in a new quest (well, two really) in Immersea. There may be a bug where bounty objects you seek drop twice, please report this if it happens.