Changes to the module
Made adjustments to loot on the following quests:
Dread Pirate Roberts (a few more loot bags should spawn better stuff–and the hole should always appear now I hope!)
Kidnapped Kid (old Fezz kid quest, much better loot)
Chessboard (an extra chest and lots of custom loot)
Sunken Ship (which I think is due an optional sunken part of the ship! with sharks! If I could get someone who was a modeller, I'd have you make me goblin shark riders for this) -
Made a few small adjustments to the Haunted Halls, more will be coming!
Made changes to the way animal companions worked for druids/rangers. Previously, if you were a higher level than your companion it got many neat buffs (those are staying) but if you had a special companion that leveled up to your level, you didn't give it any buffs. This meant the typical "bear" was better than any special companion every time. So, now special companions get a bonus based on your Charisma Modifier, I have debated using a certain fraction of Animal Empathy (maybe 1/3 or 1/4) so feel free to raise this in General Discussion if someone thinks its worth chatting over). Also Cormyrian Mountain Bears were hands-down just the best companion, all other "bears, direwolves, bullette" were getting a minor nerf to their STR to rectify that these creatures were all designed as opponents not companions to help on quests, except the CMB. So CMB now gets this nerf as originally intended in the system. To make up for this a little, CMB now has higher than previous STR, so the debuff won't hurt as much and the CMB can be even more feared!
As I don't really have time to play, let alone play test, I'd like to hear if this helps make the rare special companions "Lone Wolf", "Wounded Cougar" etc to "Tressym", "Royal Eagle" and "Night Wolf" all better companions. Ideally, these are the companions people should want over simply grizzly bears.
Areas that use the script that causes you to get lost using certain transitions will now give feedback. Many players seemed to think getting lost was entirely random, and not based on a number of factors. Now you'll be able to see that your 'mastery' of the area is going up with time.
Minor updates to CARES tables, more coming.
The old Barbarian shop is back in the module, you get access to it by doing one of two specific midrange quests.
Edited wand shop to include cantrip wands. In a discussion on wizards and sorcerers always being able to contribute, I realized we didn't even have wands for them, forcing them to rely on bow and arrows without Craft Wand Feats.
Switched out Fivestar Store (like I try to do once a month or so).
Updated Mebrith's bookstore to carry summoning tomes.
Fixed some bugs (namely Ilmateri Tunnel quest no longer has lethal traps I hope).
Changed up the C0G factory quest given by Karla. Many of the aspects of this quest reflected v4 Arabel, it had not been updated for v5 fully. Many of our quests may still have overlooked issues like this, please report such as bugs. Loot tables were also improved greatly.
Added skybox to Eastern Wildlands, removed horribly ugly 'wall of fog' affect. Did the same in Old Town and Arabel Citadel. Please report other areas that have a "wall of fog" or no skybox.
Renamed the High Priestess in the Temple of the Seldarine to High Priestess Rethil, she also had standard human coloration, so I made her moon elf colored which is more suitable.
Deleted all the "fallen trees" from Old Town, these were terrible for pathfinding. If I missed one, please screenshot where it is.
NPCs will no longer use Sander's chopping block as a chair. This is caused whenever you place a Sea Table, its TAG is plc_seatable which our systems reads as "seatable" so NPCs sit on it. Oops!
Updated loot tables on Withering Heights, also found an XP penalty marker here. Thanks for reporting that! Again, if you find a quest that has suckage for loot and/or XP please report it via the Bug Forum.
Changed appearance of Black Adders, were actually green and not black.
Fixed some bugs with Damp Cave treasure tables.
Nerfed frost lizards, as a companionable animal, they were just too damned good.
Added new subrace, will post details on it later but do not want to spoil the secrets of the player portraying it.
Gave the Night Wolf 2 more HP base, 3 more DEX 18 from 15, and Weapon Finesse, +2 Natural AC.
Gave Royal Eagles, Weapon Finesse, Toughness (needs to be able to survive better against giants).Giant Scorpions (mel_scorpion_lrg), Diremoles (diremoles) can now be companions [You hear that Zool?!].
Bunch of changes to CARES using hak creatures. By now, we figure everyone has the haks if they're still playing CoA and it is safe for these things to appear. Trips to deserts, swamps, and caves should be a bit more interesting.
Hooking up Lost Pilgrim's quest. It is now in the Eastern Wildlands, I added 2 rows on the southern portion to make room and moved the Bard Isle quest giver onto an island in the Fairy Lake. Deleted entrance in the Realm of Wailing Fog; no one has done the quest since v5 started–I figured it was the long walk to an area rarely frequented.
Some buffs to bounty monsters. Enjoy your trip to the Fugue.
Fixed a bug with the Elk Barbarian (Swamp Thing) quest where loot wasn't spawning.
Updated Githyanki quest, seriously buffed the gold rewards.
Adjustments to wand shop, mostly making things cheaper. Added a cure critical wand.
Increased gold reward for gypsy quest (its a long, long quest, that much time needs more gold).
Adjusted the recipe for the Hyde potion.
Adjusted so pyrmomancer and feymancer damage cantrips are also unlimited (hopefully).
Fixed jump checks in the Floating Ruins, no longer drop you to another area. They drop you in the ruins, you have to climb back up a pillar.
Added a new quest…just a simple thing really.
Added a new area to explore. (Just realized that there is a broken transition on a cave entrance, I'll fix that later.)
Gave a buff to leatherworking stuff made from albino crag cat. Its a rare spawn, items to make from it should be a bit better than junk you can buy in stores. ;)
Fixed several bugs.
Oh wow, those crag cat things must be awesome now!
Fixing some transitions with Starwater Gorge and Helmlands.
Did some bug fixes.
Vampires respawning at their coffins should have a 6 second delay before they start attacking.
Updated socket item shop to sell new weapons and more rings/amulets.
Adjusted the Floating Island so spawns aren't as exploitable by removing a few jump checks.
Added Yew trees and yew items to woodcrafting. Enjoy!
Fixed Eye of the Primordial. Now uses climb checks to reach the top, removes problems with wonky walkmesh that made it impossible to get down once you were up.
Made one edit to the Oak items, the Banishing Dart, renamed it to Live Wood Dart and made its utility against undead as per oak wood's standard benefit.
Adjusted the leather/bow shop. Bows for sale in there were better than anything you could craft just about. Too good and too cheap by far.
Call Lightning now works even in clear skies, but you do need to be outdoors to cast it. We hope to later add a simple spell alteration so druids can change weather, and when we do that, Call Lightning will need rain again–but for now--enjoy blasting people.
Players will note increases in XP yield from Helmlands and Thunderpeaks.
Orcs and goblins have been making poisoned arrows...
Fixed CARES encounters in Hillsmarch and King's Swamp; you should find more spawns in these areas (and less uberspawns with several different spawns all appearing in one spot). Also swamps should only have 'swamp' creatures not gangs from Old Town or wilderness creatures.
Slightly increased spawn chances of Albino Crag Cats.
Added bonuses against Magical Beasts as well as Animals and Beasts for dire leather gear and dire bone gear. (And +2 Mighty to the bows); Might +1 to Animal Bone Bows; added +1 slashing damage to Animal Bone Arrows (Occasio were half the cost and do d4-so now Animal Bone are not as likely to do as much damage except against animals/beasts; Added Dire Animal Bone Arrows (d4 neg with bonus against animals/beasts of d4 more)
Druid Summons, badgers, wolves, and earth elementals got a boost.
Adjusted Bone Charms for the "animal" spells to have their cost more in line with other craftables; these charms now have 2 uses rather than 1 and now cost slightly more than two brewed potions but cost much less than 2 store potions. Crafters can hopefully find a way to make profit off these now.
Fixed several bugs, implemented several suggestions from the suggestion tracker forum, and fixed several exploits.
Some more druidic lore exists in game.
Druids are able to alter One with the Land in order to alter the weather in an area. (Call lightning hasn't been reverted to require rain yet, though, but it will)
Hardcastle weapons (agents get them) have come out of prototype phase.
Some mercenaries have had their 'warning' scripts re-applied. So summons, weapons being drawn, and people banned from the areas they guard will now annoy them, and they will tell you about it.
Goblins should be skinnable now.
Some NPCs might now use sorcerer themes.
Druid/ranger animal companion calcualation changed to what it was supposed to be.
To determine if you can tame a companion, it now takes your total druid/ranger levels, and adds you BASE charisma BONUS to that number. The result if the highest level an animal can be if you want to tame it.
Oath of Wrath for Clerics with the Vengeance domain now works.
You can now buy large quantities of Waters of Myth Drannor from leather/bone working stores. You use these items on the crafting bench to spawn many Waters of Myth Drannor into them. This is a convenience issue, it kind of sucked to have to buy over a hundred waters, to then transfer them all by hand into the crafting table.
I removed a search check in Haunted Halls:Lower cavern, it is now a rope with a low DC to climb it.
Various bugs fixed from the Tracker.
This is all after a reset.
Updated sorcerer themes by expanding their spell lists greatly (some themes still just can't cast all spells) and added in a new theme, the Deathtouched sorcerer.
Fixed various bugs, reviewed various suggestions.
Recipes for goblin skin/bone items have been added to the module. You can find them the typical way new recipes are found, but an NPC also has some in a shop (somewhere).
Fixed various bugs, reviewed the suggestion forum.
The Congress got something new and savvy, while several bugs have been fixed. Enjoy!
New lore old and new scattered across the Module, happy discovering!
Loads of bugs fixed, What's Cooking and Paper Cut should now be all functioning -
Beholders now spawn one of several randomly selected items of use when killed.
Basilisk and Gorgons can be skinned, and leather workers may find a use for these skins. beyond whatever use they may immediately have.
Petrification gaze for Basilisks should now work as intended.
Wand crafting in Shylocks is fixed.
Immersea now reflects the latest explosion
The Wedding Wreck can be found in Wyvernwater
3 New Bounty Creatures
Various new lore available IG -
Creatures from the new module update have been added to CARES (our City of Arabel Random Encounter System). This means you may be running into these guys; please make sure you've got your haks updated or you may not be able to see them.
New crafting supplies in Old Town.