Changes to the module
Caravans quests on going fixes
Scarmerton quest now available again
Ilmater store back along with Ilmater quest -
Four out of six Caravan routes now functioning!
New caravan routes
Several new exciting areas to explore -
The Underdark is being updated, changes are brought in gradually so do take extra care when you head down! -
Immersea boat fare has been lowered in price a bit after player feedback
The Underdark is mostly finished now, there are still a few minor glitches but mostly it is playable now -
The Underdark is now completed
Couple of areas been updated to reflex the update
Have fun -
You will start to notice quest loot changes - I think it's about time they were freshened up and mixed around! Many/Most quests will have new and different loot. No real change in power level of anything. Happy loot hunting!
UD currently has no lost script, a more refined version will appear in the future with various nice features allowing PCs to learn routes etc
UD no longer causes sudden server crashes and need of full resets -
Trapmaking is in as a skill. Tools required for making traps are found in the toyshop (yes, the toyshop)!
I also fixed a bug that had removed the ability to choose sorcerer themes. So feymancer, pyromancer, and shadowcasters are back. I'm going to see about getting deathtouched in sooner or later too.
Fixed a typo of the recipe for Phoenix Eggs, it is a Philosopher's Stone it needs not a Philosopher's Egg.
All weapons and armours should now be possible to craft in all crafting forms
New exploration areas on their!
Lots of bugs have been fixed :) -
New updates to the Hullack Forest
New updates to Troll Quest
New updates to Old Town -
New loot available in the module
Troll and Hex Cox should now be fully functional
New Exploration area! -
I updated the Tyche's Challenge Quest. Please report any unusual problems. Mostly worried that now that there are a few new options on who to fight that they may not always spawn. Also, awesome new rewards on this quest!
Fixed a bug with the Scholar's Hunt Quest that was causing people to get 80% xp instead of 100%.
All available after the next reset!
Gisette the Cat also moved to higher class location more fitting for a notorious cat burglar selling fenced loot to the highest bidders.
40+ new fishing spots across the module with various difficulties and fish
New exp markers here and there to find
New lore added into a couple of areas that needed it! :) -
Caltrops no longer stack infintely.
Many spell alterations have now been fixed.
Added trap crafting stations to Hardcastle's, Shylock's, and a few hidden locations around the module.
Fixed a problem with the Rogue's Rats which were not always spawning.
Changing around a few maps for quests and exploration areas.
Gave Royal Eagles 2 natural AC and Battle Training vs. Giants. It should be a bit tougher.
Ghostwolf should now spawn in CARES.
A few minor bugs fixed.
We've made some adjustments to Gilmore's Tower quest. Some of these are straight forward, we try to move secret doors and passages around occasionally so you actually have to search for them and not just metagame them on quests. But more importantly, the quest didn't reflect Gilmore! He has been missing since v1 of CoA (and back then all you needed to do on the quest was quaff and invisibility potion and run to his bedroom, find he wasn't there, and run back).
The v5 version of the quest indicated Gilmore had been summoning a fiend when he disappeared and presumably died. However, that has never been what happened and was inconsistent with his lore. Gilmore as an NPC appears occasionally and some players may be lucky enough to know a little of his strange and complicated story but only if they encountered a DM plot with Gilmore. So we've redesigned his quest so that you can now learn and piece together the clues that let you know what really happened to Gilmore. This also means we've removed the old boss on the quest and put in a new much more thematic boss. His loot tables have been redesigned to reflect that he's not "always gone" from his tower and indicate just where he's been traveling.
This is all part of the effort to make sure we maintain the consistent lore of City of Arabel, while keeping our quests new and fresh when and where we can.
Also, fixed a bug from v1 in Raznor's shop which made a sling cost nearly 90 gold and perhaps added a few new items to his store.
Nebrilimar now sells the Animal Six potion recipes (Bull's Strength etc). This should help make potion crafters a viable option again.
Quite a few fishing spots updated. Trout are more common
Set up a new version of the Haunted Painting quest. The old version was fun and full of unique encounters and challenges; but it was time for a new map and a great way to use a new tileset (the Haunted Interior one). We also have plenty of new monsters who "fit" this quest and could be tossed in. It also uses a brand new treasure table, so new loots to find.
Put the Fallen Citadel of Alumra back in the module. Its harder now too.
My goal here is to keep updating quests, adding more story, more thematic elements, more options on how to finish, optional fights/routes and so on. So share ideas!
Adjusted the location of the Lost Soul quest so that it can be done more, it was too far away in the Haunted Halls for a 1-4th level quest. Now its easier to get to, it is also due a make over soon and definitely a new treasure table!
Have been told the Troll Swamp quest is very buggy, spawns not well placed, etc etc. I put the old version back in which was working well enough.
Fixed Slumming It (Decrepit Tower) quest transitions.
Fixed problem with Hyde and Jekyl potions spawning in stacks of ten. Jekyl spawns in stacks of 5. That may be too much still, but this is the polymorph potion and we've not noticed too much problem so far with that one. These potions were suppose to only be created in stacks of 1. So expect Jekyl may go down further.
Added a merchant selling various vanilla versions of helmets and the tabard armor models.
The Fighter Only store is back for pure class fighters. Have fun finding where it is, and what you have to do to earn a chance to shop there. This also means Discipline gems are back. The healing on these will be capped in the near future, so do not get carried away.
Lost Souls and Damp Caves both have unique treasure tables now.
Added in updated/fixed Fey Theme spells. See relevant thread.
Bulezeau Demons now have their canon DR.
Haunted Painting now gives 10% gold to reflect that the quest is harder than before.
Adjusted Summons for Greater Spell Focus Necromancy. Added class level and HP to most, some stat adjustments; usually in DEX and STR.
Fixed Treasure Tables for the following quests, you may notice an increase in XP on all these as well as I correct a bug with the areas:
Worse Things Happen at Sea (Dread Pirate)
Slumming It (Decrepit Tower)
Scrambled Eggs (Githyanki)
Scholar Thief (Hiding Places/Brain Dog)
Bhersken Point (Factory Quest)
Beneath the Springs (Stolen Baby)
Helmland Cave Quest
Fallen Citadel of Alumra (Zombie Angels)Worse Things Happen at Sea: The mini-boss and boss on this event were not set up correctly. They gave far too much XP for far too little challenge. They're tougher now and will put up more fight.
Slumming It: This should now have Normal and not Easy encounters in the crypt levels.
Beneath the Springs: Has more to explore now too, though that comes with more risk of drowning and death.