Changes to the module
A few more changes were added.
- Bard podiums were modified slightly.
- Request for backup should now be spoken clearly.
- Various small bugs were fixed.
- Druids wildshape strenght should not lower for smaller animals to avoid adding a lot of encumberment (druids, test this IG please)
Most importantly.
Protection from Good (and the magic circle version) now block the Paladin ability: Detect Evil.We are aware that by implementing this, we can not be as severe about the restriction that a Paladin shouldn't associate with evil. So we will be more tolerant about this. But Paladin should still try to avoid associating with evil and use their judgement to discern the motives of a character.
East Way Graveyard has had its lay-out altered slightly. The monsters there are what should have been there the entire time in-character, so don't be confused that some specific new undead "appeared" out of nowhere. Assume they have been rumored to be rising there since the the end of the Goblin Wars, but you're character just hadn't seen them until now if you see them.
I'm very interested in feedback on this area. It has always been dangerous, and is designed to be nearly impossible to make it to the very "end" of the area–however, at the same time it shouldn't be a total bloodbath for a good party of level 7 averages (you still probably won't make it to the "end" unless you're just stellar). So if you have concerns/comments/questions PM me so I can continue to tweak this area for maximum awesome.
Read those update carefuly, some game mechanics are usually affected here.
- Abjurations and divination spells altered so that the spell focus feats have an effect on them.
- Added in "Character Tool and emotes" from the "Crafting Menu" an option to jump all your animal companion, familiar and summons to you. This is to avoid bugs when you take a transition without changing area.
- Portals shouldn't eat your most valuable gem anymore unless it's the only one that works
- Altered the Jelly quest, fixed the pilgrim transition (give it a try), fixed a bug in the slaad quest
- Druid shifting adjusted again to avoid being heavily emcumbered while shifted because of the druid's equipment (test wildshape please)
- Altered the Jelly quest again. The boss should be rougher than a standing pile of blob now.
- Altered/fixed? the Juggernault quest.
- Gave another attempt at the option to recall your henchmen to you.
- Gilmor transition (the purple door) should now work
- Searching tool should now work
- Added a generic skill check script for conversations
- Other changes and debugging
Those to whom I gave Signal Tool and had the chance to use them. I would appreciate to have some feedback about how useful you think a tool like this might be if we make it available to the whole playerbase (sell it in NPC merchants stores).
I have also made available some uTools for some factions. Read carefully their description and check that they are no drop please. You can consider them part of standard equipment for your faction if they are available to you now.
Adding a new quest, The Lady's Challenge
For levels 1-3, party of 1-3.Scrambled Eggs Quest is back!
Minimal level is 8 now, I reduced the power of foes, could use feedback though definitely. It may still be too hard.
Narfel Smith back in.
The Star Water Gorge is finally linked up to the area it was suppose to link to years ago.
Cosmetic change to Central Arabel.
Added a plaque in the Adventurer Hall advertising the Lady's Challenge quest.
Fixed Damsel in Distress, after being rescued, she should now walk away and disappear.
Adjusted some shop prices, let me know if you notice anything odd though.
Removed PA areas for Hinx' Sabruk quest.
Changed landscape in Star Water Gorge to prevent some AI exploits players were using.
Cosmetic Changes to Central Arabel
Cosmetic Changes to South Arabel.
Edited scripts on Scouting the Stormhorns. Please post a bug report if something is messed up.
Narfel Smith should now require a party, it is not a solo quest.
Edited scripts with Oemer. Please report any bugs.
Made many, many changes to shops. Please PM any major wonkiness.
Rali now sells items outside his shop, not inside. Adventurers were ruining his fine Sembian carpets.
Lady's Challenge quest should now remove extra keys when you finish the quest.
Lady's Challenge journal should update when you reach the door.
Adjusted Haunted Halls and Starwater Gorge Transitions to Stormhorns to make sense per this bug report by adding a Description that mentions the secret door exit in the Haunted Halls Mines leads well to the west.
Some changes in the module:
- Changes to the scribe system, if something does not work let me know. You can now rename notes and books.
- Changes to the sending system, the only really important change of importance that you should notice is it's lower cost (20 gold). Again if something does not work let me know.
- Wildshape for animal with low strenght might be fixed. Test it please.
- Gilmor tower special door should work fine now, report any bug.
- Replaced utools in containers for the factions who have them. Those items are strictly reserved to retainers and Eclestian member.
- Pilgrim quest transition should work now, please test it and report.
- Juggernault quest should be fixed now
Those in guard factions who receive alerts. Inform me if you receive an old alert without an alert of the new system. Include the area from which it comes in the report.
Those to whom I gave signal tool, I wait for your feedback from the test (if you have not sent any yet).
There may be some wild magic zone IG in the future <_<
Don't use this until I fix it ok? Otherwise you just lose gold.
The adventurer's guild hall has also been shrunk a little. Please let me know if there's something missing that should have been there. All quests and such should still be around.
Moved some areas in Thunderholme around to conserve space. Golgrymm's smithy and the Temple of the Twin Axes are now part of the Hall of Elders.
Removed the unused scripts.
Adjusted NPCs on the Warehouse Quest.
NPCs on the Lady's Challenge no longer use Animate Dead, so they shouldn't be getting a Skeleton Servant any longer.
Added the Helmlands, it is north of the Highroad West, east of the Star Water Gorge, South of the Stormhorn Mountains. This area has existed in Cormyr since the Time of Troubles; it did not suddenly appear! Keep that in mind when roleplaying. PM me any bugs you notice.
Removed vines from Central Arabel's statues due to the brave weeding efforts of the Knights.
Adjusted a few other NPCs in minor ways.
Adjusted Nathell Goodman's store.
Adjusted the Thond only store in Thunderholme–Thond Faction Members, tell me if anything odd is noticed now please.
Some might already have noticed it, but a few more changes were introduced recently.
Respawn at corpse is now available.
Hides, claws, bites and any other natural items no longer are taken in account by our stacking script.
Those using polymorph, druids and all those with subraces, keep me updated if you notice changes due to this. Hopefully it will fix some weird bugs.
Ability boost spell no longer are dispelled when equiping an item that improves said ability.
Some new changes:
1. Helmlands have now been moved to another location upon the High Road.
2. The High Road has been expanded and extended in order to more accurately reflect the distance between Arabel and Eveningstar.
3. The East Way Road has been shortened in order to more accurately reflect the distance between Arabel and the East Way.
4. Removed a sign in Thunderholme claiming it was closed.
5. Possibly fixed some of the Narfel bugs
6. Adjusted Silentsong's boss difficulty to be easier in some ways, more difficult than others. Balance -should- be better on this quest now. -
Adjusted several customized Hobgoblins to better reflect our current lower magical environment.
Added a new quest called Mysterious Cave, the quest is for players level 3-7.
Added several custom monsters for this quest.
Added Lord Tessaril Winter to Eveningstar; she is the current Lord of that village. Renamed Nathel Goodman and his wife to Mayor Tallhill so the current leader of East Way Village is also available in the module. Small changes, but done for flavor.
Fixed bugs with the Warehouse quest, mostly this was done by completely deleting the old quest, and entirely redesigning it to use our automated and randomized Quest System. Please report any new bugs.
Fixed Mysterious Cave issue where all spawns were firing twice.
Fixed Pree and Orcus to stop summoning a level 6 Skeleton Warrior, I hope.
Fixed Lumberjack Quest exploit.
Cosmetic changes in East Way to reflect recent events.
Added a few scripts for some custom items.
Removed some of the dried field tags from the East Way, since their crops should be slowly recovering since the worst of the drought is over.
Decorated some of the DeSchurran's rooms.
Added sign near the Mirror of Tides in the Pride of Arabel.
Weakened the spawns outside the Glade on the Winding Path; no more ogres.
Created a uniform for Pride of Arabel Employees. Gave said uniform to employees.
Renamed Pride of Arabel Inn Keeper.
Made changes to Red Sword Inn to reflect recent ingame happenings.
Made changes to South Arabel to reflect recent ingame happenings.
Made a few custom items for NPCs.
Fixed the Red Raven's armor in the Stonelands.
Cosmetic changes to Kanthea's Tower to reflect her background better.
Another attempt at fixing druids small shape.
Other minor stuff, more or less important.The main change really is this.
The skill check system in conversations has been (almost) entirely revised/replaced. So expect to see a bit of new stuff there.
A lot of ressources have been deleted as well during this change, so some stuff might not be working properly (hopefuly, a minimum).
Report to me any bug or exploit or change that make no sense that you stumble on while using skill checks options in conversations.
Thank you.
Replaced the Cormyrian Greatshield with a version that uses the PD logo.
Replaced all vestments with 1.69 versions NOTE: This may leave some NPCs naked, please let me know if anyone is spawning in in the buff.
Removed unused NPCs.
Removed unused Areas.
Added Mist Placeable to Hot Springs in Flynn.
Updated apple trees to use Apple Tree Model.
Added cats to toolset and several areas.
Adjusted the following creatures with scaling. If anything is odd; please advise me.
Dire Tiger, Alpha Males are now 10 bigger than Dire Tigers.
Cormyrian Mountain Bears are 120% bigger.
Wolf Pack Leaders are 110% bigger.
Huge Fire Elementals are 130% bigger.
Satyr's use Satyr Appearance.
Adolescent Giant Spiders are now Large Spiders and 80% the size.
Young Giant Spiders are now Big Spiders and 50% of the size.
Large Gelatinous Cubes are 120% bigger.
Huge Gelatinous Cubes are 150% bigger.
Summoned Queen Stag Beetles are 120% bigger.
Summoned Dire Polar Bears are 120% bigger.
Summoned Malar Beast is 130% bigger.
Sick Ancient Dire Bear is 120% bigger.
Great Stone Trolls should now have the Stoneskin FX on them, rather than a swirling ball of dirt. Let me know though if it looks wrong at all.
Added donation bowls to the Helmite Shrine.
Fixed Warehouse quest bugs: Set doors to Plot. I am not sure why the spawns do not fire sometimes; the Encounters are set up correctly.
(Not quite finished yet, may be 2 resets from now)
-Several minor cosmetics changes (music, added placeables, etc)
-Hot Springs and Arabel Springs should now function as baths.-Lancelords now ride horses, this should not have altered existing ones (in the PD garrision notably), if it did, please notify,
-Added PD Lionar (foot)
-Added PD Scout Cavalry and PD Lancer-Hobgoblin Captains and Warlords now ride Worgs.
-Greater Werebats, Wererats, and Werewolves are all 30% larger then their counterparts.
-Stone Giants are now bigger then Hill Giants.
-Several size adjustments amongst trolls.
-Wereboar now uses the Wereboar model -
Lokarn's forge converted to new tileset. Ronus also now has an apron.
Iron Throne redesigned to new tileset.
East Way converted to new tileset.-Speaking of which, the Blacksmith's tunic item is now a smith's apron.
-Iron Throne Guard uniform altered slightly
-Noble's Overcoat item added to a store, somewhere.
-Ogre chieftain is now larger.
-Iron Throne now has facilities for PC members, it's not an official DM faction as such though.
-Fezznick Shrine has a Helm banner over the altar.
-Fezznick music changed. -
Updated Kanthea's Tower. Edited her store which is accessible only after doing her quest, PM me anything you notice that is out of place.
Removed the area North Arabel: Wizard's Tower; Living Quarters because all of Kanthea's Tower is now one area.
Updated power on a few NPCs.
Added a prototype of fixes for the Alchemist Quest; DMs will be testing these over the next week or two to ensure I really fixed all the bugs that were plaguing this quest originally.
Updated the scripts that summon NPCs when a friendly NPC is attacked in a town; if anything odd goes on with this let me know.
Boss monster on Narfel Quest now scales.
Moved Thradril's Spawnpoint back a little on the warehouse quest-this will hopefully get him to stop setting off the trap in his place.
Added NPC to Dragoneye Coaster; let me know if anything odd is going on with her.
House Guard template is now Lawful Neutral and not Lawful Evil by default.
Fixed broken transitions in East Way. Hopefully, I got them all.
Resized Lokarn's Forge, it was 8x8 with a 4x4 area in it.
Fixed Lokarn's Door to use craft transit scripts. Added forge key variables to door.
Fixed Oliver Baba to not mention Marliir being alive.
Fixed Apple Trees on Calantar's Way. Let me know if I missed apple trees in any other areas you see.
Fixed Red Sword Inn Keeper conversation to reflect Bhaliir's disappearance.
Fixed cat size and descriptions.
Replaced Yaesol's Quest bugs-this quest was disabled for some time. I left the Yaesol quest giver where he is for now, we need to test the quest and make sure nothing else is broken. DMs should be testing this over the next week.
Added an EO acolyte outside their building.
Shira's Dog is now a Cat since it makes more sense in Arabel anyway.
Created a few new demons for use on quests and plots.
Adjusted the power level of the Mysterious Tower quest, a party with level 7 PCs should be able to do this now. Let me know though if you encounter major challenges-screenshot your combat logs or send them through e-mail please. DMs should be testing this over the next few weeks since its tough to get enough level 7+ PCs to do a quest.
Many low-level quest NPCs will now be paying out slightly more gold, paying out gold rewards per person instead of lump sums, and handing out more quest reward items. Please suggest any other quests where rewards seem too low or too high (I especially want to be rid of quests that give lump sum gold rewards, I prefer to pay per person since it doesn't discourage taking a larger party) and we'll be looking at them in the future.
Added a Hidden Tunnel placeable for use on QS_ quests.
Edited several scripts. (This may cause some unusual behaviors in the current Alchemist Quest, please alert us to these but be patient, the scripts work right in the updated version.)
-Reduced East Way placeables by approximately half to reduce lag.
-Removed one of the horses in the field.
-Decreased Fog distance, hopefully reducing simultaneous rendering stress.
-Added Archery Targets to Range behind the bowyers.
-Moved trees so that Sugnar's door should be fairly visible from the west angle.
-Added Bar/Inn sign to East Way Inn-Previously DM access only area now can be visited normally (Reminder, DM supervision for attacking non-hostile NPCs is required) and has undergone significant upgrades to bring it to standard for non-DM setup area.
-Fixed a missing tilemagic in a spoiler area, where a river suddenly became a chasm.
-Added swamp water tilemagic where the borderpoint of the Vast Swamp is on Thunder Way.
-Removed a large amount of unusued resources from finished plots, or NPC's now converted to the less resource-consuming system.
- Switched some of the Glade trees to new ones (Please report extreme lag situations, and we'll see if we can find a good balance). Changed background music in the Glade.
-Renamed Stormhorns Western Descent to Stormhorns Frigid Cliffs. This is to avoid confusion with the newer added Stormhorns Western area when that section of wilderness was expanded.
-Removed the late Prince Caliburnus.
-Some updates reflecting ingame events.
-North Road is now named Marliir's March, and all sections of the road are prefixed with such, matching the conventions of the other roads.
-Volcano Spirits no longer spawn hostile. Greater volcano spirits are slightly larger. Volcano spirits slightly smaller.
-Purple Dragon Cavalary now has the Cavalry suffix in the NPC name.