Changes to the module
- .poison bracer and .poison glove added.
Its been so long since I post here. LOLOLz, yet that doens't mean things aren't getting done. A good bunch of new secrets spread through the module, new areas, revamped areas, updated areas and a few new systems you can FOIC.
The Fallow Rods are going offline in 24 hours.
Added a memorial to the Hart assassins in the Tyche Temple, and one to Azalyn in the guild.
-Fallow rods are now defunct.
-Pureclass Barbarians no longer get bonuses to damage, though they retain everything else.
-Added six new fighter kits. System is not yet online, will be soon. -
-Added a socket crafting kit, that players can use to add sockets to mundane items.
-Socket gems are now much more prevalent and spread over quests, not yet full quest coverage. Should be done in a few days. -
Six fighter kits are in. More coming in over the week. You'll only be able to choose the ones you meet the requirements for.
I'll do a writeup later.
We have just added a major persistent system for Gardening and Planting for all the nature-king-loving-PC's. Trees that provide fruit, flowers and wood that can be used in many ways: in the most delicious pie, or in the vilest of the poisons ever made. Seeds will be scattered and findable IG by quests and DM loot, as usual.
Once you have access to such seeds, all you need to do is understand the perfect soil it will grow (finding IG lore concerning them) and go around planting them.
Added a little more support for less used multiclass builds. Specifically, items for Fighter/Wizard, Barbarian/Sorcerer, Wizard/Cleric. If you have ideas for anything, or anything comes out too OP, please let me know.
Finished implementation of animal companions. Deadlock apparently never quite got it all in.
There are now several more animals that scale with the ranger/druid's levels. There are also very rare spawns of specific unique kinds of animals that can be companions. These should be about twice as common as White Stag spawns, and may appear on certain specific quests.
There is in-game lore you can discover about all of these creatures.
Additionally, perhaps a player who is familiar with the druid system on the player end can PM me details, ideas, and a "Guide for New Players"? That would be lovely.
An announcement of importance to nature based characters.
The really, really, really, really hideous druid glade put in quite awhile back (you know, the one with a nameless NPC in a square 'grove' of special hideousness has now been removed from the module.
In its place, there is now a druid glade in the Bospir Maze (which by the way, I redesigned because while it is an amazing area, the DM who put it in never actually gave it any purpose). Now the glade and the Maze are both going to contain some really amazing back story and mysteries. There will be quite a bit to explore, treasures to find, mysteries to solve here–as well as some great possibilities for conflict characters (even between druid players) and all of it will tie into some of the DM's plans for our next iteration of Arabel.
There are probably has a few bugs (especially in the "winter grove" so please SCREENSHOT the issues when you find them so that I can fix them).
In the coming weeks/months I'll be making a few more adjustments to this area just to get it all right. Feel free to make helpful suggestions.
Put an NPC for the Derro Mines quest back in. NPC is no longer in Castle Crag, go find him. He's someplace you'ld expect mines.
Added a few more portals around the module. The appearance of these portals is IC, they're new, just magically appeared.
Young Badgers should spawn now, they weren't before.
Adjusted frequency of the big Ankheg's spawning, they're a little less likely now.
Replaced the quest ender for Waves of Grain. This quest should be working again.
Moved Molly Wakeman from Crag Forsaken Castle to Adventurer's Guild, edited her conversation to reflect this. Moved quest transition to Guild as well. Renamed her Karla Johnson.
Moved Tyanna Softfoot, someplace old and alley filled.
Deleted Castle Crag : Forsaken Lands. This area has had its full story told. If I missed any resources from it I should have saved–let me know please via the Bug forum or Suggestions as appropriate.
Moved Jand and Shady Character to a place the sun doesn't shine to do business.
Added an abandoned and ruined Castle Crag to Marliir's March : Forsaken Lands and renamed it Marliir's March : Ascent. Just pretend it was always there, and is totally smashed to bits now and abandoned.
Moved transition to Bresk Quest to Southeast Outskirts: Grounds behind the remnants of the Bresk estate (the castle that was there built by the Zhentarim is now 'gone' but IC the quest giver explains that after the Zhentarim left it, the vampire moved into it to claim the lands her daughters won). Should make it easier to get to, and do, this quest.
Deleted Phoenix Covenant sign from Gilded District. Some large rubble as area is being rebuilt. Last large air elemental on Kanthea's Tower. Deleted last Stark Wyvern from area.
Portals now no longer require bard/wizard classes to decipher. Anyone who can pass the proper skill check can decipher the passwords now. (Granted, that STILL means Wizards/Bards are probably the only class that can do so–but now everyone has a crack at it.)
Removed King's Forest: Fisher's Hut (pointless area used for one quest giver). If a player knows there is something useful here, please let us know.
Moved Billy the Fisher, QS giver for Fishy Spiders to Eveningstar, along with transition. Fixed the loot on the quest because it is suppose to make the quest a little easier (but was broken and didn't spawn any of the right stuff). Increased the gold reward by 50%. This quest is meant to have GOOD XP and low gold, but the original gold reward was LESS than low level quests. Please give me some feedback on this quest, looks like fun and a neat quest, but really needs balancing.
Put True Strike Potions back in, only at Meirippi's.
Fixed Fighter Only armors in Temple of Victories.
Hung Kraegus Thune's shield in the Hall of Victories.
Moved the Dhedluck Barrow quest to Eveningstar, temple of Lathander, which has finished its repairs and cast some Raise Dead on its priests.
Moved some NPCs out of Dhedluck.
(Yes, Dhedluck is being phased out of the module slowly.)
Next module update, we should have alchemy in and the fey sorcerer theme.
A few changes for module v2000 to be aware of right now.
Our 7-12 level quests were far too easy. In fact, some of them were risk free for the right party, and basically a simple challenge for any other parties. A DM, without asking the rest of the team went and weakened the difficulty of many of these quests, likely in an effort to make people do them more. I adjusted the challenge, and am hoping to hear good, useful, constructive feedback on the current challenges. You will be getting more XP and challenge from the following:
Kanthea's Bear Hunt
Thunderholme Giant HuntAdditionally, I fixed a bug with the Lost Pilgrims quest. The treasure and boss monsters will now spawn, should make this quest much more rewarding.
There are also about 50 new alchemy recipes, which should be alchemists plenty of great, fun stuff to do.
Oh! And there is a new area to explore, an ancient tomb to explore with a very CoA-centric theme and history, and a new quest. Hope to see you in the Fugue.
Oak trees should now use gardening system. I'm 75% sure I introduced a bug with oak trees. Please let me know.
Fixed bug with Jadraxian's tomb secret doors.
Redesigned the Ururk Orc Raid quest.
Added Susser, Oak, and Ironwood recipes to crafting. Recipes can be purchased from a few merchants, in out of the way and hard to reach places for people who look around for them.
Made some changes to the Porry Hatter quest that will reveal more of the background story of this quest.
Some quests had their level ranges expanded.
Sunken Ship to 3-7th level.
Nada from 1-3 to 1-4th level.All gardening spots have been removed from "road" areas, the DM team feels that gathering lumber and magical flowers shouldn't be quite as simple to get to as walking out a gate and twenty feet from the city walls.
Arabel's back alleys have a new shop in store for your rogues and knaves.
New exciting exploration areas in Wyvernwater now available to swim to, stay tuned for further additions!
Easthaven has now returned to the surface, the areas has been updated to reflect on this recent event.
Various minor changes to the module to your pleasure, lots of secrets to be found! -
Next reset Hexcow and Firegoblins will have relocated in the King's Forest to be more accessible for people to quest.
The King's Forest has also been reduced in size, as many of the areas didn't really do much!
Exciting new area also going in, stay tuned as this area will rely on the new haks. Please make sure to update your haks! -
Hex Cow and Fire Goblins now fixed, available in the South of the King's Forest.
Silver Palace now has lockable meeting rooms, for all the secret pleasures.
Exciting new areas being tested and refined, hopefully they will be introduced soon! -
Update to Immersea to reflect on recent events, beware it is dangerous.