Changes to the module
Adjustments to swim checks made, PCs are no longer penalized for the weight they carry, only for their armor check penalty.
Added a new quest called Below the Springs in Flynn for low-level parties.
Reduced the experience reward on the new Alchemist quest.
Added a few new monsters. Have fun dying to them.
Removed most the left over debris from the Shadovar war on Marliir's March.
Updates to Flynn Interiors and Exterior.
Gypsy faction can now unsummon their magical companions.
I entirely rehauled the Toy Quest, it should no longer have bugs, overpowering spawns, spawns appearing the wrong locations, or a boss monster that destroys himself.
Fixed variables on Pilgrim's Quest, this quest is meant for characters above level 7 in a party of 3 or more.
Moved the chest on Bard's Island quest, hopefully fixing the DividebyZero error.
Fixed a problem with the persistent storage in Mage Guild Member rooms.
Made it slightly easier to get to the Toy Shop in NW Arabel, I like the maze like feel of the area-but even I was getting lost finding things.
Fixed swimming check bugs to properly record armor encumbrance.
Minor change to the Below the Spring Quest, which will increase the risk for being underwater.
Various cosmetic changes to the city, removing war debris, propaganda that is severely out of date. (Let me know about other out of date things.)
Tweaked up Immersea's shops so there are some reasons for players to go there to buy stuff.
Cosmetic changes to sewer to reflect in-game occurances.
Moved Edrim Kreig for similar reasons.
Removed the Callahan Warehouse. Removed Underdark Tunnels Upper, edited down Underdark Tunnels Lower.
Fixed a few small bugs, like the exploration XP in the spoiler.
Really fixed the Ilmateri Meat Delivery Quest so it spawns with the meat. Every time.
QS Below the Springs end quest XP reward reduced to better reflect its difficulty (or ease in this case).
Raised Chess Quest Journal XP by 50 (meaning 10 more XP on average for a party-the 20% reduction made a big difference a level 6 PC made about 490 XP so I'm just making it a round number).
Adjusted power of the Strange Clay Golems, they hit far too hard. They're suppose to be tough to kill, not slaughtering machines.
Reduced the difficulty of all the spawns on Kanthea's Quest to better reflect the current power-level of the server.
Maze Traps on the Bresk Quest work again!
Nerfed the War Domain Theme, judging by its sudden popularity, it became obvious they were too powerful. This domain is meant to do lots of damage, but be easy to kill–the opposite of the animatron theme that is suppose to be hard to kill, but do lousy damage.
Improved reliability of a monster chugging an See Invisibility potion. A 2nd level spell is not a "get out of danger free" card.
Added Potions of Armor, Shielding, Blur, See Invisibility to Mereppi's shop; ensured his prices are higher than those crafter's are charging, let me know if there is an inconsistency there.
The ruins below Arabel have become slightly more dangerous to reflect on-going situations with plots.
Succubus was removed from the Toy Quest to make it less difficult.
Several bugs were fixed.
Commoners in east and northeast Arabel now discuss their feelings on the state of the city and rumors.
Fixed Mereppi's Conversation.
Added Lesser Restoration to Caria's dialog as an option.
Various adjustments to summoned creatures, improving the "vanilla" theme slightly and nerfing the far too powerful war theme slightly more. This is a continuing project, summons need to be better balanced overall still. Infernal/Devilish and Undead themes may still need more power, those who use them, please test them.
Removed many obsolete scripts
Adjustments to the Yaesol quest.
Going live next reset is a new command:
Rangers can now find campfires in an area with their tracking skills.
The .poison chat command is now available.
You can read all the details here. Just don't forget to target the poison vial with your PC mode switch ahead of time because that breaks stealth as much as simply using a poison vial.Lycanthrope PCs should get bonus combat feats. Combat feats related to "unarmed strike" get converted to combat feats related to "creature".
I modified the script that make NPC guards attack stuff they don't like (such as familiars, large animals, outsiders, exiled PC they recognise…). If you notice weird faction bugs going on, this change is probably the cause, so just inform us about it.
Donating gold to shrines and temples now improves your chances of a deity save. This new system will require several tweaks and adjustments in the future I'm sure.
Some minor changes to the World Serpent Inn.
Players should now be able to take the Alchemist Quest.
Updated the Hullack Forest.
Removed Ashby Castle Areas from Hullack.
Cosmetic changes to the Vast Swamp.
Fixed the Caravan Merchant dialogs so you can't get the oxen without having the quest.
A sign in the Trading Coaster now explains when caravans leave.
Did various bug fixes.
Adjusted Flame Weapon Spell to use reagents, this now means casters can adjust the damage type the spell creates (Fire, Cold, Electrical, Positive, Negative, Acid are currently available.) In the future, I will add Sonic and a check so that clerics casting the spell use their Domain to determine their elements. Meaning clerics of Auril would automatically use Cold damage when they cast Darkfire.
Flame Weapon and Darkfire both work like this. Both may now be Empowered and Maximized-which they couldn't before. There are in-game ways to discover what the reagents are, so its not entirely trial by error. Please report anything usual with the spell that may result in exploitable or over-powered behaviors.
Changes to Familiars
All 'magical familiars' are being replaced by standard familiars.
Hell Hounds replaced by Dogs
Panthers by Cats
Raven remains Raven
Bat remains Bat
Pixie replaced by Chicken
Fairy Dragon replaced by Spider
Ice Mephit by Beetle
Imp by Parrot
Eyeball by Rat
Fire Mephit by Snake
Psuedodragon by LizardThere will be (in an upcoming update) methods in game to find and gain one of the old style 'magical' familiars–plus new potential varieties of familiars, including things like tressym.
Some minor changes to East Way.
Some minor changes to East Way.
Added a new Nada-alternative quest somewhere in Arabel. It might be imbalanced right now, so I recommend getting a DM before you do it. Otherwise, bring an invisibility potion!
Froidoc, Gladstone, and Nada's quest all are on the new treasure system. You may find unique items on these quests, please advise the DMs if you find anything over powered.
Trolls quest is now level 5-9 instead of 5-10. The difficulty of the quest was modified in regards to the dangers of entering swamp water.
Fixed Porry Exploit
Added TWO new quests. That's right. TWO.
Added something new for Barbarians to find.
Removed glow from Book-Keeper's Staffs (it wasn't suppose to glow), gave their Plate the same properties their Leathers have.
The next reset will:
Add 34 new bard song effects!
These effects are all scripted, to use them, you purchase the Bard Song: music item and use its Activate Power. The song plays automatically the next time you activate your bard song.
17 songs use Bard Song. 17 songs use Curse Song.
Please report any bugs, over powered abilities, etc. to the DMs as soon as you can.
Prices for the Bard Song music items may be off, if some are over-priced and under-powered, or vice-versa, again, let the DMs know.
The Scholar Hunt quest is fixed too.
- Fixed some bugs, including the glitch with bardsong
- Added the tying rope to NPC merchants shop, it is now available to everyone (delay for escape attempt was reduced from 10 to 5 minutes)
- The darkness spell should work now
Darkness grants 50% concealment to everyone inside. Additionally PCs inside are blinded and receive the temporary feat Hide In Plain Sight while they are inside the darkness area of effect. NPCs inside suffer from a 50% miss chance, -4 to AB and -2 to AC if they are not immune to blindness (this simulates a blindness effect without completely blowing up their AI).
Note: A blinded creature is subject to sneak attacks, this means you will be able to sneak attack PCs and DMPossessed NPCs in darkness. You'll have to take advantage of HIPS to get sneak attacks on NPCs in darkness.
Please report any bug or glitchy behavior with this spell (the HIPS feat is applied on a hide and I am aware there was some trouble with equiping sometimes, let me know if it still happens).
Marliir's March: North Gate has seen a change over due to an IG plot. Please tell me of any bugs that are found.
Added three new subraces.
Githyanki, Kobolds, and Lizardfolk.
Githyanki have +2 DEX, CON; -2 WIS; Darkvision, Daze 1/day, SR 5 + Level (Note: SR is not currently working on the module, I need to look into why). Favored class is fighter.
Kobolds have -4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +1 Natural AC, Darkvision. Their favored class is sorcerer.
Lizardfolk have +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, +5 Natural Armor, +4 to Swim and Jump checks (not currently supported), and can hold their breath ten times as long as a human (not currently supported-right now they get 10 extra rounds).
These subraces are partially linked to current on-going plots. Specifically, the githyanki invasion and the Gromfian settlement.
Next reset, all Curst NPCs will have the proper Curst properties, no more sneak attacking these undead!
Also, I fixed, I hope, all the bugs on the Bard's Island Quest. There should be no more TMI Errors when the quest begins, the traps will be resetting properly, the various keys should spawn (one on every time through, the optional key spawns randomly-but will actually spawn now).