Changes to the module
Low levels are limited to Sparring Mode from now on.
Made some updates to the Hullack Forest and East Way.
Please point out any bugs you notice.
Also be aware, it is quite possible to get lost in the forest. If you do get lost, you'll get a server message indicating such. There is a system in place that will allow a character who spends time traveling the forest to get to know it better and get lost less.
Characters who know the forest very well, will then be able to guide other parties through the forest.
This was done in part to make it difficult to metagame the forest paths with a new PC. The system will make you get lost if you've not spent time in game, "learning" the paths.
If this system works out well, we may add it to other parts of the module. So please let me know what you think.
I've added a switch so that players like me (those who hate respawn at corpse but just … can't ... resist ....) can "turn off" the ability to respawn at corpse. Ask a DM to set the variable for you. If they say they don't know how, it's as easy as typing `dm_setvarint iNoRespawnAtCorpse 1 and targeting your token.
I've also made some changes to carniphage summoning. Right now gnome tech is not excluded, but again, you can get a DM to exclude some items manually. It's a pain in the ass to do a lot of items, so until we get them all excluded, just ask for your favorite one or two. DMs can do this by typing `dm_setvarint iDoNotHook 1 and targeting the item.
This will be as of the next reset.
As of next reset:
Bloodstones and Bleakstones will now shift a non-evil user towards evil.
Fallow rods, which are heavily watered down versions of the Mage guild's Fallow staves, are now available in certain stores for public use.
As of next reset:
Rebuild of Calantar's Way, Calantar's Way South, north west wild lands and winding path.
Rebuild of Kings Forest and road South of Eveningstar
- Reactivated the old Werehyena template.
- Wererats are immune to disease, and have a 1/3 chance of inflicting a disease bite.
- Werespiders are immune to poison and web, and have a 1/3 chance of inflicting a poison bite.
- Adjusted creature damage for each lycan to better reflect their relative power.
- All lycans now have 10% movement speed increase at level 5, which increases to 20% at level 9.
-Lycanthropes' +4 AC in Hybrid form is now a dodge bonus.
- New Perception script for all animals on module. If you're a druid/ranger with animal empathy, you may notice the changes yourselves.
- Added a full set of command to manipulate players Bio. Now you can create a new bio, add information to your bio, or if you like, reset it using our commands.
- Fixed some spells issues with Animal Companions.
- Some other tweaks you'll get IC.
Instructions of use for Bio Editting Chat Commands.
Creating a new Bio.
-Type .setbio NEW_TEXT_OF_BIO, and your bio will be updated to NEW_TEXT_OF_BIO.
Appending information to a bio
-Type .addbio TEXT_OF_BIO, and your bio will be appended with the text you just typed.
Reseting your bio
-Type .resbio, and your bio will be reseted to your creation's bio.Enjoy.
A few spells has been slightly modified to improve their usefulness.
-Horizikaul's Boom No will save
Deafness extended from 1d4 rounds to 2d4.-Ice Dagger Fort save vs slow for 1d4 rounds.
-Balagarn's Iron Horn Knockdown extended from 1 round to 2.
-Gedlee's Electric Loop Stun extended from 1 round to 2.
-Ghoul Touch Duration extended from 1d6+2 rounds to 1d8+3
-Tasha's Hideous Laughter Duration extended from 1d3 rounds to 2d3 rounds.
The following spells have been corrected.
-Elemental Shield Actually lasts a number of rounds equal to twice the caster level.-Minor Globe of Invulnerability Duration is doubled
Having "Spell focus: Abjuration" and "Greater spell focus: Abjuration" will allow the following spells to be casted as if 2 and 4 levels higher, respectively:
Lesser Dispel (only +1/+2 for this spell)
Dispel Magic
Minor Globe of invulnerability
Greater dispelling
Lesser Spell Mantle
Globe of Invulnerability
These caster levels are added after the caster'cap for the dispels is calculated allowing you to go over it, i.e. a level 4 wizard with greater spell focus abjuration will have a +6 on his roll when casting lesser dispel.
- CoG technology should no longer trigger Carniphages at Ruins.
- Player bags will now recognize their owners, and copy all of their items to their owners inventory once opened. We are implementing a new version of the death system to ensure no one loses their items anymore given crashes.
- Added new chat command for Hoods. Type .hood on, and you will be able to wear a hood. .hood off removes the hood. Note: some races aren't supported for they don't have hooded heads, sorry.
- A few other perks put into, but you get to find out in character ;)
- Added new system that will allow players to do anonymous sendings. Messenger boys that will ask for their price (they do need to make a living, afteral), in return for discretion.
- Pure class bonuses now apply on login, the books are no longer required. The magical bonus icons on the top right when pure class bonuses are applied will no longer show. Please report any bugs immediately.
- Subraces should now apply properly.
Added .backpack and .quiver commands (on/off)
Added familiar bonuses. Now having a familiar summoned with you will grant you some nifty perk. FOIC too.
Any light and medium armor equipped by bards should be adding a spell failure decrease property.
Several other perks that are FOIC.
There are a few new chat commands for you.
Bards: .spellfail on and .spellfail off, will let you toggle the spell failure on your light and medium armors for crafting purposes. Its good that, if your armor bugs and removes the spell failure reduction, you may use .spellfail on to activate it back.
.setspawn - This new command will let you set your spawn point to any area that we allow. Since we are still testing this, there are very few areas that we are allowing at the moment.
Balagarn's duration has been returned to 1 round.
Lesser Planar Binding, good version, will now summon a lantern archon with the correct skin. More informations here
- Added 9 Animate Dead themes.
- Added .compandesc command to let you set the description of your companion. Works with paladin squires.
- Added .bedroll and .greatsword commands, both on-off, to add a backpack with bedroll to your back and to add a greatsword to your back.
- Fixed Oath of Wrath spell for clerics.
- Modified Familiar bonuses to work faster.
- Removed Familiar XP Penalty if the familiar dies.
Animal companions and summons will now poof when you logout. No more party wipes, I hope.
- .poison bracer and .poison glove added.
Its been so long since I post here. LOLOLz, yet that doens't mean things aren't getting done. A good bunch of new secrets spread through the module, new areas, revamped areas, updated areas and a few new systems you can FOIC.