Polymorph Self
I really love this idea, but think it would steal alot of the Shifter's thunder and lose it's entertainment after a small while, like the trench coat.
Maybe it could be implimented as an application only perk?
Just thought I'd mention my opinion and bump the thread at the same time.
I disagree with King of Hearts pretty much entirely.
Make it as the PnP spell.
Just increase the atributes and natural skills.
No Supernatural powers from the creatrures.
To sound much less argumentative, what I meant was: I'd prefer to see more spells with roleplay value, or practical uses, rather than plain combat. Polymorph has a near-infinite array of options, but is limited to 5 poor choices.
This should be implemented next reset.
So watch out when you polymorph or you'll end up in pixy! (new default shape)TIP: Quicksloting a chat command like .ps goblin! would be equivalent to quicksloting the polymorph spell so that it turns you like a goblin.
Don't take a form with higher HD than your caster level or than the HD of your target.
Spell focus transmutation and greater spell focus transmutation help you unlock more forms in the list above. You can find which by reading the script (check the variable nFeatTier next to each form).
Is the actual command:
.ps goblin!
.ps goblin
"!" part of all of the commands?
Is the actual command:
.ps goblin!
.ps goblin
"!" part of all of the commands?
The exclamation will cast it instantly if you have it memorized.
Without, it just sets it up for a later casting.
Just so I know, spell focus transmutation and greater spell focus transmutation are needed to transform into anything with the text nFeatTier= 1 ; } or nFeatTier= 2 ; } respectively? And nFeatTier= 0 ; } are forms that can be taken without feats?
how will this work if we use a metamagic version of the spell and the normal spell? (say extended spell)
Just so I know, spell focus transmutation and greater spell focus transmutation are needed to transform into anything with the text nFeatTier= 1 ; } or nFeatTier= 2 ; } respectively? And nFeatTier= 0 ; } are forms that can be taken without feats?
The code answers that for you here: (relevant points in bold)
{ SendMessageToPC(OBJECT_SELF, "Selected form requires spell focus in transmutation");And:
{ SendMessageToPC(OBJECT_SELF, "Selected form requires greater spell focus in transmutation") -
longest 'yes' I've ever seen.
;) -
how will this work if we use a metamagic version of the spell and the normal spell? (say extended spell)
The code answers that for you here: (relevant points in bold)
int nDuration = nCasterLevel;
if (nMetaMagic == METAMAGIC_EXTEND) {
nDuration = nDuration *2; //Duration is +100%
}Here is some random text so that I don't answer only in quotes :D
I used an extended polymorph self earlier, and turned into one of the new forms.
Will any of the forms have their abilities like petrifying breath and so on? Cause if not, some forms have little to no reason to require SF or GSF. Mechanically, of course.
Not everything is mechanical. We find it acceptable to have some forms requiring SF or GSF, for the sheer awesomeness of the form itself.
Will any of the forms have their abilities like petrifying breath and so on? Cause if not, some forms have little to no reason to require SF or GSF. Mechanically, of course.
Most oft hem were weighted both mechanically and in a logic sense, loosely based on the Shifter acquisition levels.
There's a couple of exceptions (Krenshar, and Hook Horror being standouts for having no especially redeeming features in mechanics or RP), but most of the higher tiered ones have passive properties that're fairly potent even without their powers.
Let me just say, that I realy enjoy this new function.
However I tried the Human and Dwarf "variables", and they did not seem to work, I was informed to check my spelling.
I tried .ps Human and .ps HUMAN as well as .ps Dwarf
Let me just say, that I realy enjoy this new function.
However I tried the Human and Dwarf "variables", and they did not seem to work, I was informed to check my spelling.
I tried .ps Human and .ps HUMAN as well as .ps Dwarf
I mentioned it in bug reports, but yeah. those add-ons were after the version originally sent to the DMs. While the code is in this thread, it'lll have to wait on them having time to implement it in.
I copied the scrpit but I don't get anything for the polymorph. No changes at all. only cancel polymorph option. No stat changes, no apperance changes. SOmething I'm missing.
or does it only work with dot commands. and if so how does that work?
Or better yet where does this go???? N00B! I know I know.
// –------ From onPlayerChat -----------
object oPC = GetPCChatSpeaker();
string sCommand = GetPCChatMessage();if (GetStringLeft(sCommand, 3) == ".ps")
int nCmdLength = GetStringLength(sCommand);
int nCastNow = FALSE;// Check if there's any param to the chat command
if (nCmdLength <= 4) {
SendMessageToPC(oPC, "Usage: .ps ");
}// Does it end with "!"?
if (GetStringRight(sCommand, 1) == "!") nCastNow = TRUE;string sPolyFormID = GetSubString(sCommand, 4, nCmdLength - (nCastNow?5:4));
SetLocalString(oPC, "sPolyFormID", sPolyFormID);
SendMessageToPC(oPC, "Poly set at: " + sPolyFormID);// Assign cast spell if ends with "!"
if (nCastNow) AssignCommand(oPC, ActionCastSpellAtObject(SPELL_POLYMORPH_SELF, oPC));
} -
Do you mean you just copied it for a separate module you work on?
You have to replace the nwn polymorph self script with the one above.
You have to add code in your OnPlayerChat script so that it can be activated by a vocal command.
You should also check polymorph.2da to make sure it has all the forms available in the new spell script.