Seren - Jergalite Clergy
As the HoA shifts toward a more Jergalite focused institution I’m suggesting we offer this to Seren as a way of protecting him a little bit, and also as he’s basically been a catalyst of this new direction.
I voted No because, while Seren has been pushing the HoA's agenda, it's not been through the narrative of faith. He's playing a good deathtouched and necromancer, but I've yet to see him proselytize, which is what I'd want to see from an official clergy.
He’s been pushing the idea of what Jergal wants, so he could be offered it IC as a way of keeping him out of the hands of the law, and as mentioned on Discord it’s a way of supporting villains and interesting concepts.
It would cause a stir IC for sure
I agree, he hasn’t been particularly religious in the way he’s gone about it. I’d view it as the church approaching him about representing their interests, as so few are prepared to champion such a controversial belief. It might be a bit of a stretch, but I view it more as insulation to help the character.
People have cried out for villain support, this is the sort of thing we should be doing more of. It helps Seren stay relevant and engaged with the playerbase, gives everyone an excuse not to kill him outright, and let the story evolve.
Voting No, because while he has been a champion of the house of ash, he has not been a champion of the faith of Jergal.
He was recently rewarded for his efforts for the house of ash by gaining rank three. I have not seen anything that justifies official clergy.
Per discussion in Discord this morning, his standing in the HoA ought to afford some legal protection, which is all I was interested in achieving out of official clergy - a mechanic to protect him from being ostracised from the playerbase and left in the wilderness.
Calling this a "No" for now.
If he moves forward with actual Faith-based work, then we can revisit it. -
E Echo moved this topic from Player Applications