Swifty/Yoric/Senior Retainer
Carries and leads the faction on his own, using down time to explore the storm horns and is pushing to get an stronger relationship with the dwarves in opposition to Bleth and Delzuld pcs being anti non human. Started a fun tradition to having to defeat the beast for a fur cloak with your bare hands. Not a common beast or weak thing, but preferably a buffed beast or alpha.
I wish to put him in charge of the other pcs, leading and arranging events as he's doing. But with the official rank to do so. Doing so opening the second floor, and adding a dwarven retainer NPC.
He'll get put to the test to do so by the Lord, with the risk of perma death.
- Gets to lead the other pcs
- Personal room (glorified cupboard)
- 1 thematic item, I'm thinking tweaking one of his crafted armours with flavour text and name. Already earned a cloak.
I'll pit the two senior retainers against each other if they survive.
Yoric has agreed to the challenge and the burdens should he succeed
They survived the ordeal, Yoric suspects the orcs have either gained something from the ruins which enables them to bend the will of other orcs, or that an orc survived the ruins and was capable of bending the other orcs to their will.
Yoric is exploring the mountains, noting areas with strong orc ties and as part of his Senior Retainer ceremony, they'll strike an orc camp based of what Yoric can find and gather from his exploration. Cause Braerwinter don't do pompous parties, they go out on more missions to celebrate!
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