Skarba / Frode / Subrace earth genssi
- Earth Genasi (human) / Neutral Evil / 7 Grumbar Cleric, 3 fighter / Frode
- None, just a man who lost everything and is looking to get it back.
- Spreading the name of his god, aswell as seeking revenge on an unknown foe, involving others in either recruiting them or sharing information.
- The same account, same name.
- He was a farmer in a village, it got razed to the ground and took up on a warpath whilst also containing his mercy and conscience at the same time. Everybody is a brother and sister for him, even if he is swinging his weapon at them with intent to kill. one like this: at 5:13.
- Black, pit like eyes, a gravelly voice which would bring either fear or reveration for whatever he sang for, iron gray hair. He does always seem to pity all of his foes however.
It's a pretty poor app and besides fighting and saying prayers I don't see anything interesting.
Guess it's a new player?
He sent it to me too and I asked for clarification, which I havent received, which is why I didnt post it yet.Also I'm not sure what was with the song/video link. I didnt listen to it.
The only thing I take from this is that it might be cool to give them a way to send character applications via Discord(Like we do with plot tickets). Thats it.
If this -is- a new player. Perhaps we could offer a bit of help with the app?
I'm wondering if this person and That1Loser have come over to explore the server a bit together?
Again, the app just needs fleshing out a little bit with 'why a Earth Genasi' and a couple of ideas on how they will bring something to the server.
@Soothsayer said in Skarba / Frode / Subrace earth genssi:
If this -is- a new player. Perhaps we could offer a bit of help with the app?
I'm wondering if this person and That1Loser have come over to explore the server a bit together?
Again, the app just needs fleshing out a little bit with 'why anEarth Genasi' and a couple of ideas on how they will bring something to the server.
They did. I saw them logged in together the other day and posted the screenshot.
If they are new players my recommendation would be to tell them to play first to get a feel for the server and after that apply.
Not a bad shout, both the 'concepts' could be applied to standard PCs.
Puffy — Today at 10:40
Hey, the team had a little chat about your application. It is a little bare boned, and the team agreed that it would be better for you to start off playing on the server for a bit getting the feel of our lore, aims and general RP before going for an application character.This will help you gain some experience of CoA, and also how you might involve fun storytelling in any future possible applications.
Skarba — Today at 10:42
I mean, I did play on this server a loooong long time ago actually, but gotcha, will doPuffy — Today at 10:44
CoA has had some major make-overs recently, especially after we moved over to EE with a server lore reset. And even in the last few weeks with major new features and systems for players to have fun with. So this is something we generally recommend even old veteran players! Fun to have you back though, and welcome back! 🙂 Which name did you go under when you played back in the day?Skarba — Today at 10:49
ayy gotcha!
Skarba — Today at 10:50
same name actually, had my own reasons for leaving for a while
Puffy — Today at 10:50
No worries, life happens! 🙂
Skarba — Today at 10:50
ain't that the truth -
Very nice. Good work Puffmaster
at least he bothered to reply to Puffy..
I'd prefer a non-app character as a place to start/re-join the CoA community.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on