Tall Men/Goliath/Druid
Source Material: https://www.dndbeyond.com/races/22-goliath
CoA Translated Stats:
- +2 strength
- +1 constitution
- -2 Dexterity.
- Giant Language
- Iffy on ECL, but +1 may be appropriate, though it's not as strong as dragontouched.
- 20% size boost.
- "Giant" Race - ergo, certain spells such as Hold Person will not work.
Account: Tall Men
Real Account: Spiffy
Timezone: East Coast, Early Morning/Late Afternoon atm.Name: Rodar Coldgrasp Ogolakanu
Deity: Annam
Class: Druid
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 29I am applying to play the Goliath Race. I will code this myself!
Biography: Rodar belonged to the Ogolakanu tribe of Goliaths, and- much like the rest of his kind, lived in a perpetual contest with the intense spirit of competition, tempered by the races concept of fair play. However, disaster struck- as is the way of the world, and much of his tribe perished. The rest of the tribe, to weak and injured to care for themselves- Rodar made the cruel, selfish decision to abandon them and live by himself- embracing the druidic heritage of the Stormhorns.
The Spirit of Competition: While my character, nominally, lives alone in the Stormhorns, he will host the occasional competition to slay a dangerous creature he finds in the Mountains or elsewhere on the server. He will deliver a sending via a nearby grove and watch the hunt via stealth and reward the victor.
The Spirit of Nature: My character will work and deliver the wisdom of the Wildwalkers to the individuals on the server, dispensing his callous brand of wisdom with the pragmatic brutality of the Goliath subrace meshing well with the ideals of the 'survival of the fittest'. The spirit of 'fair play,' is unique to the civilized races, and it is thus there place in the Balance.
Revenge. - While my character abandoned his tribe, it does not mean he forgot what took place, and what harm was performed to him by the beast. He believes the culprit to be a truly malicious tribe of Stone Giants who were performing rites to the Ordning and slaying a 'lesser' giant race to prove their superiority in height. Such is the way of Giant kind- but so is the way of the Goliath to make taller things fall harder. He will set aside the racial hatred he might possess for dwarves, and seek the stout, short mountain folk for aid, if only to increase what he deems as irony. Failing that- the Fellowship.
A King Today, A Peasant Tomorrow- My character dislikes the notions of feudal hierarchy and will make this opinion plain as day. The fittest should lead, the most capable- and while it is true, he will acknowledge, that nobles are often the most intelligent and capable of humans- it is also true this isn't always the case, and the exception does not define the rule- and in fact, undermines it. He will plant the seeds of rebellion to see if the King passes muster, for his tribe depends on him.
Be a cool druid dude idk: Be some cool woodsman druid who people can seek out for sage advise and stuff. IDK I just wanna be a cool, super tall guy with a spear.
approve me for I am spiffy and this isn't a dumb app.
I don't think monster races are a good idea, we don't have the support for them neither IC or ooc.
I think that we need to discuss adding new subraces before accepting any applications for them. The team needs to discuss new subraces and monster races specifically.
Until we make some team decision though its no from me.
I know you'll keep trying anyway, but we don't support player monster races, lycans being the exception because they have human form (at least, not on creation, shit can happen in game, but that's IC and by then they are established so most of the problems are less problematic, ish)
A golliath wont be allowed to wander the city.
NPC quest givers wont react to a golliath correctly.
Various other NPCs wont react right.Entire server is designed with the "normal" races in mind.
(Haven't read the app but I'm sure it's good)
Read it quickly.
Sounds like an NPC.
DM it.
If the broader question is, should we explore a wider palette of races I wouldn't be against it. High Crimmond is setup for them.
I think it'd be very difficult to play a successful one as you'd have everything going against you, but if it's fun (shrug emoji).
Maybe we could explore additional races that would have a hard not impossible time of it in the City.
P Prof. Misclick moved this topic from Player Applications on