Report: Wyvernwater Gem
Initial study indicates the stone is not a shard, it doesn't contain enough magic.
It would appear just to be a keepsake or token yet I suspect it may have hidden secrets, Due to it being found close to a inactive portal perhaps it is a key
Further study will be performed
Study of the token revealed drowish markings on it and that it is a portal stone.
Myself, Amakiir and the Skulls went to the Abyss caves and located a portal arch, the stone revealed a portal but it was inactive.
No doubt an activation word or some other key is needed to fully activate it, considering there are drow markings in the caves I expect Drow can be found close by and one can be made to divulge the secrets.
Another possiblilty may be the inactive portal arch in the lower ruins, There are writings in undercommon in the ruins and although transplanted from the underdark and dead a Sussur tree.
It would at least eliminate this possibility if it doesnt respond at all
Myself, Amakiir, Matilda and Tristan performed on a raid on a drider and spider infested ruin in the Abyss caves, Alas no useful information was found on how to activate the portal
The search will continue
We have learned that the Earth Shard is located in the underdark in a place known as the Fell Grove.
The water shard is in the Stonelands with the Castellan in Dymiias citadel.
I'll formulate a way to access the underdark and place it in this file
I believe an entrance to the underdark can be created in the Abyss caves, At the end of a webbed tunnel with a drow decoration in it there is a hidden grate to a lower cave.
From here It should be possible to open a hole, Earth essence could be used to empower a spell of Iron Horn to crack a passage open.
Yesterday I showed House Cormaeril and Glendur the Archer the lower cavern where I believe a hole could be opened to the underdark.
Other possibilities for reaching the underdark are the lower ruins, Perhaps the portal there could be activated, Glendur also reports a drow temple was found in the Hullack, A way may be possible from there.
My preference would be cracking a way open as whatever has the Earth Shard would not expect that yet all avenues will be explored
Last night I took the Skulls and Elsa to the Stonelands to search for Dymiias citadel, we began searching in the region known as the Niedlig Citadel, A large goblinoid camp is located in the region along with a statue of a goblin making an offering to a dragon.
A back way into the caves of the sun are also acessable though no traces of undead as I'd expect were seen in either area
further searching will be conducted
I have been leading expeditions to search for potential paths to the underdark.
Myself and Amakiir searched the deeper ruins, we have determined that although deep a path is unlikely to be found there .
An expedition to the hullack found a cave in the Firefall grove near the webbed maze this could be looked into to see where it goes if anywhere.
It is doubtful a way exists in the maze itself although a search was conducted by myself, Glendur and Elsa.
So far the cave or creating a path from the Abyss caverns seem the best choices
The way to the underdark has been discovered.
Myself, Mordecai, Amakiir, Glendur and Elsa were able to capture a drow in the Abyss caverns and convince it to divulge the entrance, it is close to the statue of people kneeling to a spider woman.
Preperations will be made to recover the earth shard
The earth shard was recovered and is now in my posession for study.
I will see if they can be combined as they are or if the Air and Water Shards will need recovering first.
Expeditions will be made to locate the citadel of Dymiia in the Stonelands and search for the Air Shard.
Myself and Amakiir went to the Stormhorns to search for traces of the Air Shard, We searched the Jagged peaks, and the region near Iron Drake, though we saw some powerful air elementals there was no sign of the Shard, expeditions will continue
Myself and Glendur made an expedition to the Stormhorns to search for the Air Shard, once more there were a large amount of elementals but no sign of the shard.
More expeditions will be made.
Reports indicate that undead have been seen in numbers in the Stonelands.
These are most likely the creation of the Castellan.
Yesterday myself and Glendur searched some parts of the Stonelands for possible locations of Dymiias citadel but came up empty handed.
More expedition will be made
The Castellan was encountered in Nemser along with voices in the air.
It appears that Dymiia may have returned and has possession of the Water Shard and Air Shard.
Unfortunately we were not able to discover where the citadel is. Expeditions will continue as will research on ways to destroy potent undead
Yesterday whilst in the Stonelands with Glendur we encountered Barena seemingly speaking with the Castellan. He left when I approached with Glendur.
Barena claims he was simply asking her what she was doing in the Stonelands however I find this unlikely.
She will called to the Crown to answer questions.
The Skulls have turned on the city and stolen the shards delivering them to Dymiia.
Her citadel now floats above the Stonelands.
I have written to the skulls leader requesting they be turned over for penal service which I will enforce through magical compulsion.
Should she refuse we will outlaw the entire organisation from the city and I will rally support to see them driven from the region.
It will be also made known that they broke a contract with Olinius Septume who they were contacted for to recover the Water Shard from the Castellan.
The organisation reputation will be in tatters if she doesn't comply
I have learnt that the elemental shards are most likely Dymiias phylactery and will need to be destroyed or she will keep returning.
She was broken out of a War Wizard vault by Borag, Thurdin and Malik.
I have written to Mordecai and Rosa and suggested they use their status to press the Skulls leadership into turning them over for penal service.
If the Skulls refuse I suggest we outlaw the organisation and destroy their headquarters
I am working with Mordecai and Rosa to pressure the skulls leadership into turning over the three.
If they refuse the organisation will be forbidden from taking contacts in the kingdom of Arabel and Duke Misrim will be notified of the threat the skulls have brought to his lands
Working with Mordecai and Rosa a proposal has been sent to Reydiora with three nobles backing
It is my hope she complies, if not action will be taken against the organisation