SCRAPPED Sedric Stormveil/NE/Barbarian 1/Blue Dragontouched/blueblood setup/Ruler
From Ruler-
Sedric Stormveil/NE/Barbarian 1/Blue Dragontouched/blueblood setup/Ruler
Background:House Stormveil: Known for its residence in Immersea, the house has prospered in trade. Specializing in things foreign and wonderous, it’s wealth accumulated by the luxury of spices that lands far and wide have to offer. In recent days, wars and negotiations have taxed the once prosperous house sorely…
Though there were times more dire than this, where a lord had offered his youngest daughter to a pirate captain in order to broker peace. Since then two generations have come to pass with nothing but a draconic grandson of age to show for it and shamefully so. The house found it suitable to send him away, angered by the news of a freakish blue blood. But with current times and debts to the crown they have reluctantly accepted his return, in hopes his acts in the guard help remedy some liabilities
Conquer the crown guard
Completely and utterly set the precedent he is the top dog and not to be messed with
Enforce laws of Arabel and keep the coins he rightfully earns, he has a family to feed after all.
Seek bounties/conflict, accept challenges of others within the crown guard, stand out amongst the others as not a man of politics per say but action.- Seek the betterment of his house, earn a title of worth within Arabel’s kingdom and/or absolve his family of their debts.
Partake in unbecoming negotiations
Take others under his wing and/or seek allies in dark places
Keep his hands clean of serious crimes though fund what he can towards selfish desires
Get results, whether publicly gloating or mysteriously occuring. - Praise Umberlee, the established deity of his house.
Find peace in his strange dreams, find the dragonturtle that plagues his mind. What does it mean? Nonetheless, treasure for kingdoms to come where it may rest.
Make it clear to others their respect to his goddess is not only necessary but expected, any disrespect will result in a beating if possible.
Find treasures through his adventurers and offer it to the tides (edited)
Characteristics: Blue scaled skin, Selfish, manipulative, uses kindness as a means for what he wants. Not villainous but not goodly, he sides with the crown but through his own talents. Ambitious and self centered even if not publicly shown.
Ye, if you could submit it that would be awesome sauce. Char setup to take place following zed's retirement
Apping for: Blue Dragontouched, blueblood setup - Seek the betterment of his house, earn a title of worth within Arabel’s kingdom and/or absolve his family of their debts.
Had a chat with Ruler and I don't believe this has enough dragontouched goals or story to warrant the subrace. He chose not to listen to my advice and wants it submitted as is.
I vote no for dragontouched, yes for crown guard.
Draconic goal:
Believing the rumored dragon turtle near wyvern water to be his ancestor, he has made it his personal vendetta to redeem himself by slaying it. Though- it is more than redemption but a vengeance for its part in his outcasted upbringing. Perhaps he will never belong but will rest easily knowing it paid the price.With this in mind, he despises his draconic bloodline. The strength he garners from it is from his own making, grit and fortitude . To stave off his hunger for vengeance he will enforce more scrutiny on those with similar bloodlines to his own whether they be chromatic, metallic, outsiders, etc. They will pay for the sins of their lineage.
OOC: This character is open to pc influence however these predetermined behaviors will be VERY difficult to change.
Maybe add his hoarding tendency as bounties from his enforcing
afterall who is to defend a non-establish freak vs a blue blood as slim as that is -
Had a talk with Ruler and he apologized to @Salem and looked his goals over
Blue Dragons...
- are more likely to be mocking and manipulative than outrightly cruel or murderous to 'lesser' creatures, aided by their natural talents for hallucination. (I dont see any indication of trickery/illusionary magics/tactics (yes i know a barbarian wouldnt use magic but the tactics perhaps?)
- were native to arid wastelands and deserts. (not sure how pirates/Immersea fits in)
Dragon Turtles
- were distantly related to dragons and had dragon blood (but they arent dragons)
But I guess I'm nit-picking?
I would love for Immersea to get some attention, though.
- Enforce laws of Arabel and keep the coins he rightfully earns (blue dragons are lawful evil, so this fits, but the app is for NE, so not sure that it does?)
- Take others under his wing and/or seek allies in dark places (I hope he has the charisma for that?)
- Praise Umberlee Sure, in Immersea where there is water, but most of the game world is land
Again, maybe I'm putting too much in this?
Talked to Ruler about it and brainstormed some alternative concepts. He has asked me to let you guys know he wants to take down this app and replace it with a new one which he's a lot more excited about because frankly it's a much more interesting concept.
Dragonborn apps never feel great for some reason.
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