[Denied]??? Darlene dhampyr thingie?
this is my application for a potential character, i would like to apply for a werefox..ok, not really, i had to say that, i would like to apply for a dhaphyr, a character who is of some minor nobility (not to get stuff, just a possible story connection for the future, with connections to the future bresks or current vhoor) she will be played very close to the way i played Rav, will put up a sweet innocent front, but will be manipulative and opportunistic, she left her home to make a name for herself, because frankly nobles in her house are jerks, and vampires of dhamps like her, would like to achieve a goal of making incredible wealth for her eventual return home, or setting up her own house in this backwater area of the land, a bresk or vhoor or some other noble house signet ring would be the only thing i would even ask for and it does not have to be magic
Literally Rav 2.
Seriously no
I've left a message for Darlene to speak with her.
- Her app is no
- To clarify what we are looking for in faction and/or application sub races
- Proactive telling of stories
- Engaging in "conflict" be it pvp or pve
- Taking risks, win or lose etc
Putting this here for now.
[7:55 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): yes [7:57 PM]Professor Misclick: hey. So wanted to let you know that the recent app is a no. Also wanted to go over what the DM team will be looking for in application subraces and factions if you had some time [7:57 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): ok no problem [7:58 PM]Professor Misclick: So the short version and then I am happy to expand on the points to address any questions you have is: [7:59 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): i have no questions really [8:00 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): i talked shit i got hit [8:00 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): yes i swore [8:00 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): sorry for swearing [8:01 PM]Professor Misclick: 1) We want to see active story telling and the characters to have goals/agendas/plots they are pushing. 2) Application characters are either protagonist or antagonist meaning they are making friends and making enemies and accepting what comes. Engaging in meaningful "conflict" be it pvp or pve. 3) Taking risks, win, lost or draw. [8:02 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): i do none of the above, i understand, it is highly unlikely i will ever fall into those categories (edited) [8:02 PM]Professor Misclick: You can play how you wish but that's what we'd like to see from any application characters .If you're not comfortable with that's absolutely fine but we wanted to explain what is needed for applications to pass. (edited) [8:04 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): it is alright, i accept really i am marginal player at best, the only apps i get are in free weeks like there were in the past, or when someone examines and aids me in formulating one [8:05 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): my first one was custom made for me by moloch designed around my style of play, which he was familiar with [8:05 PM]Professor Misclick: Ok. You're not in anyone's bad books or anything so you know. [8:05 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): the next ones were freebee's during those free app weeks we had which always ushered in a flood of neat characters [8:05 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): i feel terrible [8:06 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): really i did expect to be denied, thats not what i feel bad about [8:07 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): had the npcs waited a few more days they would have had to fight through the BB to get to me..it is all about timing [8:07 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): the fight is over..i lost [8:08 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): i had been having meetings with them, just ran out of time is all [8:09 PM]Professor Misclick: it happens [8:09 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): i had also been under a misconception with them too...i thought i required 100k to get their help..turns out that was not the case, wish i knew that sooner (edited) [8:10 PM]Professor Misclick: Well, that's all IC and in the past. Hope you find something enjoyable soon to play. [8:10 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): but i am about mistakes and lost opportunities, bad luck is luck [8:10 PM]Professor Misclick: I need to head out. I just wanted to catch you sooner than later to explain the above [8:10 PM]Professor Misclick: I'll be tossing this convo into the DM forums fyi. [8:10 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): i am going to be honest here, i will try hard to find a app that i can get, i am not making anything till i can get something written right [8:11 PM]Professor Misclick: Uh, until you are open to some more conflict and risk, it is unlikely any application will pass. See points 1-3 [8:11 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): so you will not see me in game, i did ask about my previous retired character who was a non app, but had risen rather high in misrim, so that is a definite no go as per rules (edited) [8:12 PM]Professor Misclick: A non application character will be more enjoyable for you and the style of play you like. [8:12 PM]Darlene te'len(Polly Farmer): had some pretty sweet looking misrim stuff..forgot it looked so fashionable [8:13 PM]Professor Misclick: So, make of that what you will. We enjoy having you around and playing. [8:13 PM]Professor Misclick: Bye for now.
P Prof. Misclick moved this topic from Player Applications on