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Tag: Nixvehniryzes
Alias(es): Nix, Nixie, The Flame of Revolution, Chosen of Garyx
Race: Human
Bloodline: Draconic (Red)
Homeworld: Chessenta, Toril, Prime Material Plane
Planar experience: Sigil, Outlands, Pandemonium, Elemental Plane of Fire, Quasielemental plane of Steam.The Chant:
As a newer addition to the Companions, Nix has only told a few tales of her past. The only dark spilled of her time before the planes is her origins as a mercenary operating out of Chessenta and she ended up in the Outlands after blitzing through a portal. She's been known to claim she shares blood with Tchazzar when she's heavily on the bub, but the inability to pronounce or spell the legendary dragon's name says otherwise.The company recruited the dragonblood from the maddening tunnels of Pandemonium where she'd been hipped long enough to go barmy as a spire god. If you can ignore the barkle about tyranny, liberation and revolution, this basher's tolerable company and a hende problem solver too..., so long as the problem can be solved by hitting it very, very hard.
Now that she's spent over a month back on the Godswalk, there's some rorty stype that the rash and reckless Anarch's lost a gad of her zealous fire. Some bashers say she's found a different kind of flame. Whether that's the full truth or just grail, her revolutionary screed's been replaced with indifference to the problems of the lemons. There are still some infrequent whispers of a vengeful "archon" of fire that's popped up in riots and the slums...
Anyway, what's important's that the cutter's determination to see the Companions returned home or brought to safety remains strong.
Name: Arnkatla
Alias(es): Mule, Arnie, Wagonbane, Packmule, Kid, Bellhop, Valet, etc
Race: Half orc
Bloodline: Unknown
Homeworld: Forgotten, but prime
Planar experience: VariousBackground:
Like many half-orcs, Arnkatla was rejected at birth and shunned at the orphanage. On a dare, she followed a fairy through a fairy circle and was promtly whisked away into Feywild. Which were, by mere chance, where Sir Winthrop was partying. The latter who drunkenly mistook the young Arnkatla for someone else, and shoved his bags into her arms to cary. Without protest, Arnkatla took it to heart and followed the Companions as their beast of burden. It wasn't until much later, when Gillbreather asked Sir Winthrop who the hell brought a half orc teenager through the portal, that Sir Winthrop realised. By then Arnkatla had proven herself capable of not only carrying Sir Winthrop's bags, but also a capable warrior and loyal follower. Now in Arabel and finally of age, Arnkatla has the chance to actually be a real Companion, and not just a glorified storage container. -
Name: Barius Blake
Alias(es): Black, Dirge
Race: Half elf
Homeworld: Prime, Neverwinter
Planar experience: Sigil, Elemental Plane of AirBackground:
Barius was the outcome of a passing adventurer having a little too much fun with the innkeeper's daughter. He was raised in the inn by his mother and her father and gained an innate understanding of music from the hustle and bustle of the inn. Eventually he took over the gig most nights, yet he always kept to himself, never quite feeling like he belonged. Over time his talent grew, though the luster in his tones were waning. The music he'd learned didn't feel right, wasn't his. So, at the age of 20, one day he overheard Sir Winthrop boasting about his planar derring-do, he decided on a whim to lend the tales some ambiance - which led to Barius joining the table and eventually the company, on a quest to find his own sound.
That sound was found in a bar in Sigil. Five times, so far. Although results varied (usually for the worse), the music led to him being nicknamed "Dirge". However, the magic intonations had their uses, as well did Barius, so his strange "music" is tolerated.
His current fad is "Soupcore" - a type of overtone throat singing rumored to have been developed by slaad prodegy Ssnorrzzts the Disharmonious - that he picked up when meeting a group of slaadi in a bar. -
Name: Adrazelle Alugheroid
Alias(es): Adra, Genius (Often said sarcastically, but she takes it as a compliment)
Race: Human
Homeworld: Prime, Waterdeep
Planar experience: VariousBackground: Adrazelle grew up in Waterdeep. When it was discovered that she had magical abilities, she was sent to school to learn how to cultivate that magic. She snuck out of school one night to have a bit of fun, when she ended up running into Sir Essil. He was drunk and talked with Adrazelle about traveling the planes. She asked him if he would let her join, so she could learn more, and he agreed. She's travelled a few planes with him, and now their adventure brings them to Arabel.
Tag: Ermir
Alias(es): Biter, Berk, Short-Arse, "That Little Piker What Stole My Jink!"
Race: Dwarf
Bloodline: Djinn-blood
Homeworld: Calimshan, Toril, Prime Material Plane
Planar experience: Sigil, Outlands, Elemental Plane of Air.The Chant:
Ermir was discovered by Sir Essil Winthrop after the basher ran into him following a ‘misunderstanding’ regarding personal belongings; Ermir was on the run from a squad of Mercykillers following a (botched) attempt to liberate one of them of their coin purse (which had been taken from the body of some poor drunken basher who threw his guts up on a Mercykillers boots).
Winthrop was mistaken as an associate of the Genasi when Ermir told the man to run after bumping into him; the panicked Dwarf subsequently stuffed a keystone into Essil’s hands and rushed with him through a Gate that led to the Outlands after a comical chase through the Market Ward.
Winthrop found the entire situation hilarious and liked the Dwarf’s knack for getting in and out of trouble, offering him a place among the Companions. -
Tag: Octavia Hawke
Alias(es): Flip, Otto
Race: Human
Homeworld: Archendale, Daleslands
Planar experience: Sigil, Outlands, Pandemonium
The Chant:
Octavia is rarely called anything but either Flip or Otto. According to herself, she has liquid luck running through her veins. But during the short time she has been part of the company, luck is apparently as red as regular blood.Flip seems to possess a never-ending arsenal of optimism, and a nose for both getting into trouble, and getting out as well. She was raised in Archendale to become a luckbringer, yet at some point during her training, she concluded that the best way to pass on Tymora's teachings, was to live them. She is a decent tracker, quick with a sword, and seems to have a soft spot for outcasts and weirdos.She has a strong hatred of bullies and has more than once spent time behind bars in both the prime and on Sigil.
She always carries a bag of apples with her on planar runs, proudly proclaiming that the taste of an apple is the best way to tell which plane you are on, but she has yet to convince anyone else of the fact. A levelheaded adventurer who proudly proclaims Tymora is on her side, and any misfortune is a test of one’s conviction.
She has picked up a green parrot, which she is adamant is a powerful sorcerer, yet beyond the occasional squeak, non-have yet to be convinced that it is more than an odd parrot from Sigil. -
This post is deleted! -
Mule crosses her name over, then runs off with a sailor
[Updated entry for Nix.]