[Denied]Fire Genasi- PrettySmitten
Topic: Account name /Character Name/ What are you applying for: Prettysmitten/Seraphina/Fire Genasi
Race/Class/Alignment/Level/Name of Character: Fire Genasi/LN/4/Seraphina
What specific perk(s) (faction, special background, etc) Fire GenasiA few sentences on how you plan to make the server more fun to play on for everyone, through your characters actions/story.
As a member of the Companions of the Breach, she will do the tasks that they have been given. If she catches word of the planar invasion in the marshes and nearby areas, she will seek to learn more about what is going on there and possibly "fix" the tear that has happened. Knowing their stay in Arabel will be short lived, she won't be concerned too much with keeping "minor" laws. She will hold to don't murder, no summoning demons, or pact with devils. However if one of her associates is a theif? Well you only have to deal with us for a short while.
If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under? N/A
Brief background as relevant to the application.Seraphina grew up in Calimshan, with her human mother. Her mother was frustrated a lot of the time, as Seraphina didn't know how to control her powers, she was constantly lighting the tent on fire. The main thing she was good for, was keeping a fire going for cooking. (Although it wasn't controlled or planned.) She went to school to learn how to control her gift, but she was very short tempered and would light books on fire, or trashcans or anything really when she would get frustrated or upset. Those around her quickly distanced themselves from her for fear that she might get mad at them and enflame them. When she reached adulthood, her mother told her to go and try to find out who she is. So she has wandered around until she stumbled onto Sir Essil and his adventuring company. She figured she would see what traveling the planes would be like.
Other- A few examples of how you plan to portray the subrace. (Features, traits, noticeable differences through role-play) Seraphina doesn't know, but somewhere in her heritage, she decended from an efreet. She is quick to act, and impatient most of the time. She is working on trying to manage her anger, at least so she doesn't burn everything in sight. She will have red skin, and red hair. If she gets very angry, some may see flames in her eyes.
Feels a little bit like another attempt at +2 stats, but I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt on this one. I'm just hoping this time they'll play a more independant character.
All I ever see her do is solo mining. I gave her a plot hook and a piece of plot loot and she never did anything with it. A bit disappointed tbh.
Based of the others comment, I vote no
@puffy kinda just reads like a wiki entry on "typical fire Genasi", don't see anything really different here so based on others comments it's a no from me too
Denied. Player informed
P Prof. Misclick moved this topic from Player Applications on