Faction Information: The Companions of the Breach
The Companions of the Breach started when Sir Essil Winthrop met Jacob "Gillbreather" Harrison at a lonely bar among many in Calimport. Adventurous at heart, the two made a drunken pact to never leave the other stranded in another lonely bar again- and to this day, they have kept it, and the adventuring duo soon grew to a full-sized company.
Upon inheriting a Planetraveler's belongings through less than legal circumstances, the group took to the planes for their adventures, dashing through the myriad archipelago of the Water Elemental Plane, to the Floating Isles of the Plane of Air- descending into Volcanos in the land of Fire, and navigating the labyrinthine tunnels of the Plane of Earth.
Based, nominally, out of Sigil, the group's high turn over rate is just accepted as the price they must pay for their adventures- mourning and death a part of life, and the best way to honor the lives of their companions is to just 'get better,' and to move on with their possibly short lives. The stories we tell are what is important, the goal we all share is to live well.
Numbering roughly between 20 to 40 members, the small company of adventurers is organized in groups of 5-6 members each, consisting of a wizard, warrior, scout, and 'smasher,' with miscellaneous rolls thrown in as necessary. This balanced team means flexibility- and that is often far more important than efficiency. Being able to adapt to any situation is a key feature in the mindset of the Companions.
Largely democratic, Sir Essil Winthrop leads the Companions through charisma and proven effectiveness. In theory, the group heads could vote him out and have someone replace him, but to date, this hasn't happened.
Companions do not have ranks, a group's nature is expected to form organically and if a relationship isn't working, to be mature enough to admit so that they can either be reassigned or gently laid off at the nearest civilized port. A group cannot function if they cannot trust each other, after all. Members can quit at any time, though those privy to secrets may be taken aside for a 'talk,' and so far, most have respected the groups 'secrets.'
Payment is done by the job, and the company does not do 'loans,' and if you get chased by loan sharks, the company will not bail your debt out. Personal responsibility is a big theme in the Company- though, if you're being chased out of a brothel by a group of succubi, the Companions have been known to Rally and cry out, "For Williby!"
Overall, the tone of the faction is equal parts daring, whimsical, and bold.
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Major NPCs:
Sir Essil Winthrop was knighted by an Efreeti Noble in the City of Bronze in the Elemental Realm of Fire. Of course, he wears this badge with pride, and insists on being called 'ser,' and this has landed the company in hot water with local nobles on the prime in the past. Despite this- Essil still introduces himself as such, and under no circumstances will compromise on it.
He is the leader of your band, charismatic and knowledgeable - he was fortunate enough to find the remains and belongings of a true Planeswalker, and since then- used it to travel the myriad realms of the world beyond the Prime, his eyes having seen horizons only witnessed by the truly powerful in the past. He leads by example- and will not ask of you what he is unwilling to do himself.
Jacob "Gillbreather" Harrison
Jacob is a Water Genasi Wizard specializing in portals, conjuration, and the planes in general- and, frankly, never bothered to learn other spells.
Despite this, he is never far from Essil's side in combat, and he known to value tea very much, and has, in the past, scorned any establishment that did not serve it- nearly dying from dehydration in the Plane of Fire before Essil held him down and forced him to drink the water. He is taciturn, and only speaks in any measure when drunk.