Mortui/Aureliano Barrus/Partial Return of Character
Shadow Dragontouched/Ranger/Divine Champion/Chaotic Evil/Ten/Aureliano Barrus
Return to play of character with some restrictions to ensure it remains fair and fun; namely that Aureliano should only be played with full intent to retire/die at the end of the Holy War if not prior to it - and that any player death is a full and permanent end to the character, regardless of his status as undead.
Ideally, I would like to have him return at full or close to full power to alleviate any issues that may arise from needing to more or less OOCly complete quests - the Reaper went into retirement due to refusal of others to conflict with him after all, he was not weakened or killed off.The Church of Cyric has suffered a mortal blow with the murder of Whisper; the Reaper has returned to settle old grudges and restore the status quo of the Black Sun returning to his rightful position as Lord of the Dead with no deity capable of claiming his position.
Aureliano will return for the period of the Holy War against the Church of Cyric and will primarily be played for events involving the outnumbered Church of the Black Sun to help cement the reputation of Cyric’s church as the terrifying entity that it is; after which he will be killed off or retired properly.N/A
Aureliano Barrus’ backstory is more or less irrelevant thanks to the nature of his transformation into an undead monster puppeted by Cyric’s malevolent will; he has no attachments outside of the Church and ‘lives’ to serve the will of the Black Sun.
He is also a/the Divine Champion of Cyric in the region of Arabel; quite literally a handpicked aspect of one of Cyric’s domains - namely murder. -
Once again mobile isn't letting me post a poll.
Will fix once I get to my computer if someone else hasn't.
I'd like to give mortui a chance to end his character.
It makes sense for the character to appear and frankly it was lame how ACOG treated him last go around. He was a good villain and deserved better.
No. He can make something new and interesting. Bringing back a character that has zero involvement and all these perks is lame
I don't think he has no involvement. He's literally a chosen of the faith and could very well turn against the new wave of cyricists. It could be interesting. We could delevel him if it's a power issue.
No. It's been WAY too long (1.5 yrs already). He's already level 10 with a boatload of loot. His PC hasn't been involved in anything that is happening.
Also this says he's dead?
I don't think he was ever killed so idk what that's about but it's clear which way the wind is blowing and I've let the player know.
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