MadsAP/Aurora Nottiam/Divine Champion of Lathander
Topic: Apping for Divine Champion of Lathander - Aurora Nottiam
Apping for:
Divine Champion of LathanderHow'll it be fun?:
Poking the crazy bear, Cyric and claiming Lathander's domain over the dead, I've started a war of faith (with the aid of Caek, Gloomy etc on Cyric side).
Moving forward, I'm trying to enlist as many people as I can to help fight the good fight.
All the while pushing more Lathander belief down everyone's throat with sermons and other events.End goal is bleeding Tilverton dry of citizens (lure them to Eveningstar) and establishing Lathanderite temples in all towns and retiring as a co-leader of the faith in the death domain.
Reasoning behind / Background:
Pretty much the above being the reasoning. She's championing these new changes to Lathander.Aurora is the bastard child of a noble in Waterdeep. She's never been told who but she's always been bullied for her diluted "blue blood".
She found a place of comfort and belonging in the faith of Lathander. As soon as able, she sought a means to join the church.
Spending years training and contemplating, she set out to spread the faith of Lathander.Build will probably be 4 cleric/1 paladin/5 DC. Or just straight 5 cleric / 5 DC if that's more preferable.
Not seen much from this player but this looks more like an intent app.
@salem said in MadsAP/Aurora Nottiam/Divine Champion of Lathander:
Not seen much from this player but this looks more like an intent app.
Same. Should keep an eye out for stuff to support this.
If the PC is a paladin then LG alignment. DC must match alignment of the deity which for Lathander is NG.
Inform the player that best for them to pursue other avenues if they already have the LG alignment.
Does it? shrug They're a paladin/cleric, well.. just one paladin level.
Yep. DC must have the same alignment as the deity. Always has been that way.
A long time ago the weapon focus in the deity's preferred weapon was removed though. Now it's just a weapon focus in a melee weapon. Similar that the BAB was removed so only need 4 levels in a base class.
Informed them of the alignment requirement
[7:04 AM]Echo: 6:56 AM]MadsAP (Sungirl Aurora): Any chance for a bit of app feedback? [7:06 AM]Echo: your PC is a paladin with LG alignment; DC must have the same alignment as the deity and Lathander is NG [7:07 AM]Echo: the weapon focus in the deity's preferred weapon was removed a long time ago, but you still need to have the same alignment [7:07 AM]Echo: if you shift to NG, you lose paladin though [7:07 AM]Echo: and you will have to do stuff that is chaotic to lose the lawful alignment [7:07 AM]GoD1x: Ah! Did not think of that. [7:07 AM]Echo: which seems very ooc from what i've read of your PC [7:08 AM]GoD1x: Yeah. She's not very chaotic at all. [7:08 AM]Echo: probably best to focus on getting a promotion in the faction, rather than a prc [7:09 AM]GoD1x: Does that require an app or is it just a get noticed thing? [7:10 AM]Echo: get noticed [7:10 AM]GoD1x: Gotcha. Thanks for the input! 😄 [7:11 AM]Echo: i will add this convo to your previous app though so the Team is aware of the route you will attempt [7:11 AM]GoD1x: 👍
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