Caek /Josef Marchetti/PDK(Divine Champ?)
Race/Class/Alignment/Level/Name of Character
Human / Fighter / NE / 10 / Josef MarchettiWhat specific perk(s) (faction, special background, etc)
Purple Dragon Knight PRC, re-hashed to be a “Crucader of Cyric” – a form of Divine Champion but with a lesser used PRC (so therefore cooler)A few sentences on how you plan to make the server more fun to play on for everyone, through your characters actions/story.
Further continue the various Cyric based plots we have going (locating the Four Saints, religious warfare against the Lathanderites, weaking the trust in law officials within the city so the Ravens can make their move, hunting ancient magics to destroy the Weave, promoting heresies, sewing strife and discontent etc)However this would see a shift toward the more violent / extreme approach that Cyric turns into – he would see himself as a tool of divine retribution and destruction, maybe having found an actual Cyricist relic it starts to drive him mad, maybe involving an offshoot sect of the Church or something along those lines. It would, long term, lead to exile I imagine but that’s part of the fun!
If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under?
strappingyounglad / caek.Brief background as relevant to the application.
Son of a Chauntean priest, who turned to Cyric after his farm was constantly beset by bandits. He murdered them, and was found burying them in the woods by a roaming priest. Was taken in by the Church and told to carry on the work of the Dark Sun in Cyric’s holy city – once he does so he will be granted all the power in the world, and beyond! -
Has not earned a knighthood (Which is what the PrC represents.) Or achieved anything significant for the Church of Cyric to consider Divine Champ.
No from me for now.
@voss_ Agreed
I'd prefer if he went for blackguard, but yes this is all a bit premature. I'm sure this was probably more an application of intent regardless.
Informed player they haven't earned a knighthood yet.
PC is retired?
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