caek/unnamed/wererat displaced noble chairs in the sewers[SET UP]
@puffy said in caek/unnamed/wererat displaced noble chairs in the sewers:
Displaced noble background (The Duke of Rags), wererat subrace, table and chairs in the sewers to act like a noble court.
There is already a hideout/base in the sewers. Can add a few details if needed.
Hire PCs to re-build the old noble house (psudo retainers, house mage etc) – be a magnet for outcasts, engage in shadowy activities to fund the house (muggings, assassinations, moving illegal goods etc)
Outcasts (though there arent currenly many?) joining together is both weird and cool.
Promote the heretical Ilmateri “Cult of Shared Suffering” (inciting riots, conduct kidnappings and generally share and spread suffering) as he has suffered at the hands of the city.
Cults are cool.
Seek bounties to offer to the Sickly Oak (which he sees as an aspect of the above cult) in order to create a plague to weaken the King – find old Purple Dragon items, relics, texts, weapons (offering PCs to find them) to create a plague ritual to poison the King and family. Exploring how to do the ritual will be done IC and be an organic exercise – will interact with the Precept and Wildwalkers to find the lore, and conflict with most other people!
Plenty of non-DM stuff here.
At the same time work to improve the influence of House Misrim via the Ravens and create the antidote for the plague to have them take over once the King cannot rule. Once done he will murder the Duke and claim the house for himself (super big goal) Conflict and subterfuge – seek to install spies into the various factions within the city, build the Ravens up as the new Crown Guard.
This all seems like a big END GAME goal and while probably not achievable, but he even says it's a super big goal. Nothing wrong with an unachievable goal.
A former established noble house sworn to helping the downtrodden via their Ilmateri faith. He became infected with lycanthropy while working in a soup kitchen and lost his estate, the city turning against him. Having been driven underground he now works to rebuild his house, working to in shadows to inflict misery on the city that turned on his after all the hard work he did for them.
This is a decent/different sort of backstory than we usually see for wererats.
Ragged, chittering, oddly long fingers – rats are generally neat and tidy, so attempts to keep his Court tidy and seeks expensive clothing, trinkets etc. Very vain, curious and gullible as a weakness. Cunning, changeable, self-opinionated, gainful and blinded by gain. Cowardly, so will shift when backed into a corner.
Nice to see he wont be a filthy, flea-ridden, feces-stained sewer-dweller.
All-in-all it's not a terrible app. It has goals, ways to include other PCs, and ways to include factions. I think it's a lot better of a wererat app than JKA's Drago app and way more thought out than Cadiz's Tenebris app, both of which were approved.
It's a good app, and has examples or things they will actually do in game, while having an overarching story (not just goals) attached to it.
Yes from me.
I think it's a good app, just poorly written. Caek brings the awesome and is generally a good sport. I don't think the rp stats comment was made in bad faith or meant to come across as preachy. It struck me as more sheepish than anything.
Moving this to confirmation
Caek created the character already as they planned to play it weather it passed or not.
(what is it with people creating characters before apps have passed....)
Anyway, this means whoever sets them up needs to drop them to beginning of level 4 XP if they have any more than that, and remove any excess loot they gained if they did any quests.
Uh. Is this a thing we need to remind people about? Sheesh.
Who set them up?
Don’t think any set up was done. Just he made the pc, going to play the pc regardless of any app perk etc?
Set up.
I removed his levels and such like to put him back to where he shudda been
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Puffy (Arabel) — Today at 20:46
Motto: We EndureThe history of House Ambrose has been removed from public record, with only piecemeal references noted within the annals of the Church of Ilmater.
Records show they were involved in soup kitchens and healing centers, the main hall of their modest Downtown estate used as a makeshift temple of the Ilmateri faith, welcoming anyone who needed assistance and support that required it.
The records abruptly end three years ago, coinciding with a "cleansing operation" undertaken by Crown authorities within the Downtown district.
Caek's write up
idk about makeshift temple, or church of lathander
Also 3 years ago was Gondegals rule
Zool(Inactive) — Today at 20:47
Had a makeshift shrine, and members of the house acted as healers
Then change the year to make sense
Puffy (Arabel) — Today at 20:51
Motto: We EndureHouse Ambrose was once a minor noble house located in Downtown, with affilitation towards the faith of Ilmater. They ran a simple soup kitchen in their humble and downtrodden estate, welcoming anyone who needed assistance and support that required it. The records abruptly end 1359DR, coinciding with a "cleansing operation" undertaken by Gondegal's rabble within the Downtown district.
Fine by caek posted -
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Caek wasn't getting much done, didn't feel he could do anything much with the planar and beholder plots carrying so much weight.
(In reality, he just didn't do anything)