Hillmarch Incident
Dourhand (currently under Precept guidance) warned the city of a threat.
Treth of the Precept responded.
The threat was too great for him to handle alone. He did what he could, enlisting someone he dislikes to work for the betterment of the Kingdom.
Pelagia got involved to try to help as well, working with someone she dislikes.
There were unfortunate casualties.
The two fought each other, as has been inevitavble for some time now.
I did be hearing the call for aid from this one Dourhand, but I being unable at the time to help, for I was being far from the place of Hillmarch. I did be reading both stories here.
It is being duty of Council to be fighting these planars, but as I am reading it is not being the duty of Council to be law-makers or law-takers. If they be breaking a law, it is not being our place to punish them, even if punishing do indeed be what they are both needing.
I do be saying to both Treth and Pelagia that they should be fighting each other and getting this hatred out of their blood. It is seeming that they did so but at a very bad time to be doing it.
Even if I am not agreeing with all that the Precept be doing, I am finding that the summary being given by Izereth do seem to be the short-word of truth.
Ursula -
A letter is forwarded to the Higher Council.
While exploring the mine, Ravens Donie and Jenny, Mossmere retainer Jace, and Sharruk came across a mage in there with a half fiend. This mage tried to do a ritual that would use human sacrifices. The two wizards, sorcerer, and I fought hard, and they wore themselves out with magic. Finally, we defeated the mage. The Half fiend was sent where he came from. However, the war in the mines will only get worse. For the safety of Hillmarch, until we can find a more permanent solution, I recommend closing off the mine completely. No one can come in or out without permission from the council. The veil is getting thinner, and I don't want to see another attack happen on Hillmarch unnecessarily.
Discuss among one another how you desire to move forward, if there are disagreements persuade the other side and compromise. If the Precept and Wildwalkers are capable of coming to a mutual understanding then so can this Council.
We require an united front. The planar threat is far greater than petty squabbling.
Dame Drakebane
There needs to be justice for the people of Hillmarch.
Brushing this under the rug as it were would turn them against the city and no doubt let the Lower House get a foothold in the town with the Gondegal faith the upper council as well as most of the prominent churches in the region wish eradicating.
It seems this incident is mostly the fault of Pelagia for trying to kill Treth in the village and letting the fiends rampage.
As the lawbook has a provision for murder caused due to getting people killed by carelessness I would say such is fitting.
This will let the Precept keep their noses clean as it were and deal with a strong supporter of the lower house in Pelagia.
Sir Pierre
I don't think that charge will hold up from the evidence we have.
We can try it... but I think the higher council will need more than we have.
Feel free to list what we would send to them to petition them for a trial/bounty/fine/punishment. I would be happy to be proven wrong.I do have an alternative to get the woman punished, and I would like to speak with you privately about this Sir Pierre.
A brief update, since there has been recent activity on this matter!
- The Hillmarch Mines are no longer infested with planar beings, but there are still foul rituals and strange murals in the area
- Past the mines, is a landscape known as the Easter Marshes. Here powerful planar beings roams, with historical references to House Goldfeather
- At the heart of the conflict, lies a tower which is heavily warded. So far the ward has not been fully understood, but it is very deadly and keeps everyone out
- Celestial messages warning against trespassing fills all areas, if you venture past the warnings the Celestials show no mercy
- Demons, devils, and celestials battle one another across the areas
- There are strange ruins in the area, with shimmering motes, huge dragon statues, and strange references to the royal house
- Closer to the tower, are abyssal and infernal rituals, all foreboding in their appearance and nature
- Magical runes are scattered across the area, some inflicting negative energy, others divine
Have any learned if the ward is of arcane magics or divine magics? Knowing this would aid in deciding how to undo them, if that is what is later needed. I fear that what the ward keeps in may be worse than what it keeps out.
Ursula -
That is my fear too Ursula, but apparently everyone feels that removing this ward and risking letting something out that could possibly terrorize the realm is important. As far as I am aware, no one has figured anything out about this ward. Let's just hope when this ward is removed a Balor isn't waiting on the other side, waiting to be let loose.
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As per Clerk Pinwell's approval, the Precept Arcanum are in charge of this issue. With True Blood Treth given rights of research. Attached is the letter with Clerk Pinwell's statements.
Mrs Dawn
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